12/30/23 El Parguito - south - CycleBlaze

December 30, 2023

12/30/23 El Parguito

Steepest climb on (southbound) Mex 1 is now in the past
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The roosters of Loreto are early risers, beginning their day at 4 am, right about the time the dogs of Loreto start discussing whatever it is dogs like to talk about. Until then it wasn’t bad, the music and traffic having calmed after midnight to the point where the soothing pounding of the surf was the background. 

Breakfast in town and then a fairly easy 25 miles and up Sierra Giganta with a grueling 7 mile climb. Starting the climb at noon wasn’t optimal timing. We had a late lunch at the restaurant ant the top and discussed going further to make tomorrow’s ride to Cd. Constitución easier, but after two beers and the offer of a shower it was an easy decision to call it a day. 

Tomorrow the road will flatten out into a two day straight line to La Paz, I find I’ve transitioned out of “cycling Baja” mode into “get to the ferry terminal and hang out on the beach” mode. 

The RV park in Loreto was home to some behemoths of campers, this 2-story beast the biggest yet
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Starting the climb. First gear all the way
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Trying to photograph the switchbacks and disappointed it doesn’t look as impressive as it felt
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Rich FrasierLooks pretty dang impressive to me. Congratulations!
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6 months ago
Scott AndersonI’m with Rich - definitely impressive. I rode that climb (in a car) 20 years ago and still remember it.
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6 months ago
Francois from Belgium is cycling Alaska to Argentina (on pavement) but taking a break while his dad visits for the holidays. They flagged us down for juice and chocolates, a welcome treat
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El Parguito restaurant with beer, food, showers and Wi-Fi
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Camping behind the showers
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Today's ride: 37 miles (60 km)
Total: 780 miles (1,255 km)

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