03/27/24 El Zapote - south - CycleBlaze

March 27, 2024

03/27/24 El Zapote

The trend may be downhill but the devil is in the details
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In spite of being wakened at 5 by the roosters, dogs and trucks I didn’t manage to leave until shortly before 7. I had two possible destinations today, the town about 25 miles away that I’d originally planned to stay last night, and another town about 20 miles further on. It was still early and the town unappealing when I got to Nentón so I continued on.  What had started as a pleasant ride eventually became work. It was hot today, so hot that all the locals were commenting on it, and the route difficult. Even though it was generally downhill there were lots of intermittent climbs, several with grades above 11%, so I did a lot of walking. I can’t say I enjoyed it. I had a bit of a scare when all (both) hotels in La Zapote were reporting full, this being Easter week but the clerk at the resort typed some more and said I could have a bungalow for 250 quetzals. I took it because I was ready to be done, damn the cost. When I did the math I’d found I’d only spent $30, so that was nice, although working air conditioner would be nicer. 

Leaving La Trinidad in the morning
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The road isn’t bad, but neither is it good. I would not want to ride this at night
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I hate it when they do this
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Pretty view?
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It’s all in the framing. This was a an especially bad spot but litter is everywhere. Worse than Mexico
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Smokey morning. I can’t recall when it wasn’t smokey
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Karen PoretSmokEy is the bear..Smoky is the sky ;)
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3 months ago
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Curious cat at my coffee break
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The restaurant where I had my coffee has a picture of the Kissing Alley in Guanajuato
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Auto hotels are generally places that rent rooms by the hour, for couples in need of privacy. I took this picture because it advertises (or is called?) Stone Bed
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Squeezing sugar cane. I bought a cup
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Unfiltered, tastes very sweet. I won’t be drinking it straight again
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I’d like to know the story, I’m guessing the house was built with money earned in the US. It bugs me that the flags are backwards
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Bill ShaneyfeltAnd too few stars and not enough stripes...
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3 months ago
Karen PoretMaybe not “trumpers”..
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3 months ago
Entering Nentón
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Robert BryceA chicken bus!
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3 months ago
Downtown Nentón, nothing to keep me here
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I got myself a Guatemalan SIM. The attendant asked for my passport to register the SIM, was unable to do so with my passport number and registered it referring to someone else’s identification
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Looks like an elephant, thanks to someone adding a trunk and tusk
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and it’s for sale
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The general look of today. Add heat
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9 year old Israel sold me some peanuts at the stand he works at with his mom, and then rode with me to the edge of town peppering me with questions about my trip. It was fun
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I saw tents and river, went down to look
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Rio Azul is a community “turicentro”. I thought I might quit early and camp here
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It was full of people enjoying the river
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Plenty of street food options
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And stores. But no place to camp and a 6 pm closing time
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A tree slowly getting turned to lumber on site
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Nearly stacked firewood. I passed neater stacks but was done photographing by then
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Start of another steep downhill
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And yet another climb
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The view from my bungalow
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Today's ride: 43 miles (69 km)
Total: 3,011 miles (4,846 km)

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