03/25/24 confused in Comitán - south - CycleBlaze

March 25, 2024

03/25/24 confused in Comitán

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I spent the morning on my phone looking for solutions to my situation, and not finding anything that really appeals to me. Feeling like I needed to be moving, I went a few miles up the road back to Comitán, where I knew there was a nice inexpensive hotel and plenty of restaurant choices.   So here I am, and still trying to figure out what to do next. 

I’m fairly confident that it remains possible to enter Guatemala via my intended route, that whatever happened to me was transitory. Nevertheless that doesn’t change the fact that I no longer have any desire to repeat that attempt. Zero. Zilch. Nada.  

I’ve complicated things by insisting on “comfortable” routes, where I can count on stores, restaurants and hotels to keep me fed and sheltered.  The options I’m considering are 1) return to La Trinitaria and take the road which follows the border towards Palenque and enter Guatemala in the north, 2) take a bus to the southern border, 3) take a bus to a choice of destinations inside Guatemala, 4) take a long route back through Tuxtla Gutiérrez towards Villahermosa and Chetumal to Belize.  My preferences are the ones that don’t involve buses, I’m just not excited about the heat I’ll encounter in the northern lowlands. Anyway, that’s what I’m mulling over today. 

Not a lot of pictures today. I didn’t do anything except go up the road a ways
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Bill ShaneyfeltJacaranda trees are amazing!

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4 months ago
All northbound traffic is routed through an inspection station where I chose the Nothing to Declare lane and was photographed before being waved through
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A future bike lane
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But no bike lanes today
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The mall at the south end of town includes a drive through Starbucks
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I chose a slightly more expensive hotel than the one I stayed in the other day. Better internet and a nice courtyard for thinking in
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Today's ride: 13 miles (21 km)
Total: 2,925 miles (4,707 km)

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