02/23/24 San Gabriel Chilac - south - CycleBlaze

February 23, 2024

02/23/24 San Gabriel Chilac

More work than I expected
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I was anticipating another fun and easy day today, but headwinds, hazy views and temperatures in the low 90’s made me glad to arrive in Chilac in the early afternoon. 

I’m finding the people I meet to be consistently cheerful and friendly. Even the police were giving me encouraging waves and thumbs up. 

What today looked like
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In one town the power lines were full of what I presumed were bird nests
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but which Bill informs me are ballmoss. They are plants that live on what they pull from the air. Fascinating
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Bill ShaneyfeltBallmoss

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5 months ago
David ChavezTo Bill ShaneyfeltThanks! I was hoping you’d know. It’s a pretty amazing plant
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5 months ago
Bill ShaneyfeltIt really is amazing! It gets moisture and minerals from the air and only uses utility lines or trees or whatever to attach. It is related to pineapples too! When I was in Trinidad, there was a lot of it on power lines and trees.
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5 months ago
Always at least one church
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Still seeing these pretty arches
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Hot farm country
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I didn’t enjoy the road today. No shoulder with a high lip
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and lots of traffic
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Karen PoretIt’s Friday…;)
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5 months ago
I’m heading in the right direction
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A field of cabbage
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Tehuacán was a big, bustling town. Came across these musicians near the plaza. Must have been near a college, judging by the student types
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Busy streets. I considered getting a fruit salad when I was stopping for the car in front, but had just finished a really good torta and wasn’t hungry
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Karen PoretFruit salad to go, David!
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5 months ago
Corn and the southern Sierra Madre
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My first encounter with a Mexican train on this trip
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It was just three engines, doing a forward and back maneuver
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The last few miles into Chilac were dusty
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Welcome to San Gabriel Chilac, Constant Development for All
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Looked like a statue of a woman on top of a garlic
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Indeed it was. A local confirmed Chilac is known for its garlic. A Mexican Gilroy, if you will
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Karen PoretChristopher Farms, Gilroy..Steenkin’ rose..
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5 months ago
It had a jolly feel, in spite of it being hot and sluggish
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The first hotel I tried was full, the other was locked, but I found a room in the San Gabriel
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It’s a $20 oasis. No hot water but the lukewarm shower was refreshing
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There doesn’t seem much going on in this town. I bought supplies for the big climb tomorrow and walked around taking random pictures
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The plaza was empty of people but full of litter
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At least one artist lives here
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Tomorrow promises to be difficult, a long climb into Oaxaca state with no services. It’s not supposed to be as hot but the wind should still be blowing. I’m hoping I can leave early. 

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Today's ride: 53 miles (85 km)
Total: 2,073 miles (3,336 km)

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