01/07/24 Mazatlán - south - CycleBlaze

January 6, 2024 to January 7, 2024

01/07/24 Mazatlán

The ferry ride. Not sure what to make of the elevation profile… the sea was rolling drunkenly at one point, but not like this
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There were about 8 cyclists on this ferry. We were told to lean all our bikes together in a heap on the bottom deck
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Loading of the vehicles took several hours. It was interesting watching the truck drivers maneuver the trailers in the small space
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Firing up the engines
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And we’re off!
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My seat. There was a lot of shuffling around and I had both seats at one point, which was kind of nice, but I ended up on a bench on deck where the air was fresher and less snoring
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It was a long night, I got little rest
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But we got there
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Tug boat delivering the pilot
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Miguel and I ended up seat mates at one point. He’d noticed me when I was leaving La Paz, then again on the road. We had some satisfying long and deep conversations only strangers can have, and parted friends
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Mazatlán malecón
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In the city Central Park
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Interesting wiring
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Macaroons. This might become a regular snack
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Central market which I didn’t go in because I had my bike
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Found a street of flower shops
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And a street selling crustaceans
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I’m reluctant to try these
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Plaza in front of the basilica
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The basilica
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Shoe shine row in the plaza
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A house which caught my eye
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Judy GaukelTo Judy Gaukel🙂
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6 months ago
The bicycle ride
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