Morning Procrastination - Across the US on Steel and Titanium - CycleBlaze

June 24, 2023

Morning Procrastination

just a few observations, while  I procrastinate the start of the day: 

It rains every day in Wyoming.  All my efforts to dry my clothes worn yesterday were for naught. I’ll be wet again as soon as I start as it’s supposed to rain until about noon or later.

The touch screen of a wet iPhone does not work. However, if you use only your finger nail it will.

The boysenberry French toast syrup, served for breakfast at the Best Western probably doesn’t have any boysenberries in it at all.

Looks can be deceiving. I’ve been carrying a banana for the past three days under the lid of one of my rear panniers. When I first bought the banana the skin had a few greenish areas.  It was ripe enough to eat, and that’s exactly what I did to his twin brother. As time passed, the skin began to show brownish marks/bruises. This morning almost the entire banana was brown and appeared over ripe and maybe rotten.  However, upon palpation, the banana was quite firm. Having attempted to eat the French toast with questionable boysenberry syrup, and leaving half of what I had planned to eat, I chose to peel the banana and discover what was inside. The banana itself was perfectly ripened. No rotten areas. No mushy areas.  Looks can be deceiving.

Dictating a cycling journal using the microphone provided with an iPhone can be hazardous. I’ll try to make corrections as I go, but I’m sure I’ll miss a few mistakes. I think the dictation goes much better when I have good cellular service which I have not heard for several days.

Morning procrastination can be extended by coming up with more observations

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