So This is Heidelberg - Two Months of Rhine - CycleBlaze

June 28, 2022

So This is Heidelberg

And today marks our 42nd wedding anniversary and no riding today, so of course we heeded the advice of a friend (I'm talking to you, Fred!), and hiked up the hill (about 340m vertical) overlooking Heidelberg. We left our cute hotel when it was still cool but sunny.

our hotel in yellow
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runchun he祝贺你们42年美好的日子,祝贺你们的爱情。
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2 years ago

This is the Alten Brucke (old bridge) in front of our hotel, built in 1788 and links the "Old Town" with the people across the Neckar river. Yes, we are not on the Rhine here!

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On a sparkling early summer day, the views along the Neckar were stunning.

the Neckar river
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We came across the bridge and spotted the narrow walkway and started up. I thought, no problem this will be a short walk. It took a while but was very pleasant.

cool, shady stone walkway
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As we ascended, there were frequent viewing stops with wonderful views over the old town.

the view of the old town of Heidelberg
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Susan SagertWow! Absolutely gorgeous!
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2 years ago

The castle also starts to show its true size as you get higher.

the happy couple on their 42nd wedding anniversary!
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Steve Miller/GrampiesA very happy anniversary, you two, and many more to come.
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2 years ago
Patrick Parnothank you, bud
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2 years ago
Beth ArtCongratulations. And you both look happy.
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2 years ago

The path gave way to a gravel road zigzagging up under a green canopy. We saw some large sequoias here.

huge old trees made for shade from the sun
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And finally came to our destination. This was an amphitheater built by the Nazi party, one of 40 built in the country. Hitler thought these local theaters - capacity 30,000 - would have a greater propaganda effect than the large rallies in Nuremberg - the idea never really took off. After the war, the theaters were abandoned and apparently this one became the site of midnight witches - torches, pentagrams, and so on. A colourful history!

Hitler's ampitheater
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Just to add to the interesting atmosphere of the place, a local amateur choir was singing and the acoustics were really excellent. Strange to think that Goebbels once stood where the choir is currently singing.

the stage of the amphitheater
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We came down a different way (the Philosopher's Walk) which yielded a beautiful view of our "Old Bridge". Back across the bridge and into the Old Town.

a view of the Alten Brucke
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Tomorrow, we'll leave Heidelberg and bike along the Neckar river to the medieval town of Worms. Until then, its an anniversary dinner with, I suspect, a glass of German white.

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