Heidelberg to Worms - Two Months of Rhine - CycleBlaze

June 29, 2022

Heidelberg to Worms

ok, it's pronounced "verms"

Nice day to ride actually. Originally, we planned to wait out the rain in the breakfast place till they kicked us out (we figured noon-ish), but the forecast improved markedly by the time we woke up. No rain today!

So its off to Worms. Kind of a quick stop, but we finish up with the Neckar river and are back to the Rhine.

last view of our hill we climbed as we ride the Neckar
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A bit of road trail, then on to very nice cycle ways just out of Heidelberg.

good pathways along the river
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Most of the ride today is urban, but well hidden. We saw very little traffic, and it was well treed. We rode in the flood plain of the Neckar till we hit Mannheim, then were on the Rhine. Here is the view just after the two join up.

Mannheim tower in the distance as the Neckar joins the Rhine
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It was hard to believe we were riding through a big city. However, not all is sugar fairies as we rode past Mannheim. I felt compelled to include this photo as there are kilometers of industry on the far side as we rode after Mannheim.

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More typical though is the scenery below. Tracks on the left (and you cannot hardly hear when the trains flash past), and gum trees on the right. What city?

gum trees lining our way thru Mannheim
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Then that scene we were looking for.....

omg. It's a Manheim Steamroller!
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Val ThompsonOK - that’s the funniest thing I’ve read in the blog so far. Well done Pat!!! Mary shared the link to your blog and I have just read it cover to cover. What a fabulous adventure you are having. Thanks for sharing it in such a succinct, picturesque, witty way! Val
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2 years ago
Patrick ParnoGlad to have you along for the ride! You know, as I entered Mannheim it hit me. I told Marjory and we searched and searched for a steamroller, then just as we were leaving the city bang! A nice close one! Happy that a few people get my sense of humour!
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2 years ago

I thought Komoot had screwed up when it took us down to the river for a crossing, and there was no bridge. But out of nowhere shows up a ferry!

our first ferry crossing - 2 euros
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We then came upon this huge highway crossing which Komoot had us crossing. We could not see a way to get up there....

super highway above us. how do we get across?
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Then saw a fellow come down with his bike in the rails. Oh no! This thing was really high. The photo below shows the 1/2 way point. Time to schlep (sp?) again. Panniers off (now I have 4 of them).

looking down from 1/2 way up
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Mike AylingThose things are hard work!
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2 years ago
Patrick Parnothe road bikes seemed to zip right up!
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2 years ago

Here's me shlepping.

schlepping (sp?)
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Steve Miller/GrampiesYup, schlepping it is.
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2 years ago

Then, at the halfway point, you can see (and hear) your destination.

daylight above
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When you make it to the top, you are smack dab between roaring traffic driving on an autobahn at 140 kph or so. Of course, after the 2 km ride, its time to schlep again going down. At the bottom I am reading my phone to see what direction to go and a girl asks me if I need help. I say no, I have komoot. Oh, she says, that's what i'm using too! We are both going to Worms!

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So off we go and even though we know we are very close to a town of 90,000 people, it seems impossible as it is a tree lined, dead quiet bike path. The photo below is 2 km from our hotel in the "old town". Wow! I haven't mentioned before, but I am constantly amazed at the birds here, singing their hearts out. Much, much louder and larger population than home in Canada. I don't know why, maybe so many trees!

can we really only be 2 km from Worms?
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We entered Worms and found our hotel without an issue. Great A/C in the room, and after a shower and cool off we headed out to see what's what in Worms. The gate below is somewhat famous, and seems incongruous on such a large highway but is striking.

the famous Worms gate
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After a dinner at a wonderful Thai restaurant, we checked out the Rathaus and the stunning cathedral below.

Worms cathedral
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And that's all for Worms, as we are off early tomorrow (another hot day) and headed for another medieval German town - Mainz.

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Today's ride: 43 km (27 miles)
Total: 896 km (556 miles)

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