Doing the Lindau Loop - Two Months of Rhine - CycleBlaze

June 15, 2022

Doing the Lindau Loop

Views of Austria and the Bodensee

We stay two nights in Lindau, so today did a short (28 km) ride away from the lake. Beautiful views of Austria, farmland, and the Bodensee while returning.

Interesting side note on using the Komoot app. On the bottom left there is a "Discovery" button. You click on that and it shows local suggested routes from other cyclists. I chose "20 best routes around Lindau", and chose this one. A super route, and so easy when you don't know the area.

Our tour started moving north from the lake, along some dark forests. We saw occasional cars, so kept our lights on.

started thru a forest
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We started climbing away from the lake, and rode beside a stream with smallish (10 m) bridges across them. I was startled to see signs showing welcome to Austria on the other side of each little foot bridge! We are on the German side, of course. We passed a number of picturesque villages.

thru several small villages
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The app tells you to turn left up this very steep gravel road, we thought maybe we had made a mistake. But then there is a tiny church at the top with a lookout.

Marjory at the peak
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Views in both directions, farmland and dwellings. Across the valley, we could see Austria. 

views from the peak. that's Austria in the distance
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We saw several of these bee houses, but are not sure of the story. I suspect they are like putting up a birdhouse, and if you build it, they will come?

bee farm
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Steve Miller/GrampiesThese are for solitary mason bees. They lay their eggs in the hollow tubes and seal up the ends with mud. We had one lunatic bee last year that sealed up all the locks on our greenhouse doors. We did not have the heart to disturb all her hard work so left them nicely mudded up.
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2 years ago
Patrick Parnoholy smoke, Steve. You are a wealth of information. I looked up your blogs, and again, holy smoke! I have wondered about those frescoes in Lindau on so many buildings. No internet search has helped much, do you know what they are about? And those stair-step facades.
If you guys ever cycle thru Canmore, let us know!
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2 years ago

After the turn (this was a loop), it was much easier riding because we are descending down to the lake. So pretty!

views of the Bodensee as we descend
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Fruit orchards lines the road as we ride. Apples, cherries, peaches, most covered to discourage birds.

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This is the causeway back to Lindau island. Good cycle paths and easy riding.

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William RoweHi Pat & Marjory,
Thanks for sending the link we have just caught up to you sort of speak. We have enjoyed following your travels so far. We will be following along with you with great anticipation
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2 years ago
David SwordThe bike lanes are nice and so well kept. The separate lanes are something that Toronto could much from.
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2 years ago

A great side trip. We laughed that we aren't getting enough bike riding in, so we had to bike on our 'day off'!

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Today's ride: 28 km (17 miles)
Total: 427 km (265 miles)

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