Delft to Gouda - Two Months of Rhine - CycleBlaze

June 8, 2022

Delft to Gouda

rain, rain, rain

We started today with a visit to the "New Church", called that because its only 600 yr old! The old church was available to see too, but we wanted to get on the road as the rain looked like it would get worse.

I couldn't get back far enough to see the entire spire!
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Ellie Durwardunreal! 600 yrs old!!!! The history they have is incredible, eh?
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2 years ago

Before starting, we made a strategic decision to miss Kinderdijk - a Unesco World Heritage site, that I really wanted to see; but the rain convinced us it wouldn't look quite like the below (internet) photo anyway, and it would have doubled the distance.

Full disclosure; not my photo!
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Steve Miller/GrampiesIt would have been a fun diversion, but not in the rain. The whole place is like a theme park and involves much walking around. Maybe you can hit it up next time.
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2 years ago
Ellie DurwardBreath taking!
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2 years ago

We started out riding along canals with many, many "happy cows".

So green, with water so plentiful.
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David SwordContented cows. Important feature for civil society to be maintained.
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2 years ago

The  cows are happy because the food is plentiful, and they are not (usually) raised for meat, rather for dairy. You can guess this from all the cheese here, along with a multitude kinds of yoghurt-like products in the grocery.

I'm thinking a record shop?
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As it rained the whole way, not a lot of photos today along the route. Rather more urban as well, but always a lane on which to ride a bike. Right now, in our room that looks like a Chinese laundry, we have clothes hung up to dry.

Walking to dinner, we passed more cute houses with unique milk delivery options....

canal - level door
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David SwordNice - love the Ukraine support flag too !
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2 years ago
Patrick Parnothere are quite a few Ukrainian flags about.
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2 years ago

Finally, walking home after a fantastic dinner, we passed a street which could easily have been a Vermeer painting.

a typical canal street in Gouda
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Today's ride: 30 km (19 miles)
Total: 229 km (142 miles)

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David SwordEh, 30 km, ummm…shabby ?
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2 years ago