Let the Training Begin! - Racpat Morocco to Holland 2023 - CycleBlaze

Let the Training Begin!

The next adventure: Trekking in Pakistan

This page is about what happens when you are home after a tour. 

For us, it's the continuation of this present tour. Rather than at the beginning of the tour, or in the middle of the tour, when we would do a safari or a trek to Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa, or trek the Inca Trail in Peru, we are ending this tour with a Trek in Pakistan. Before we go to Pakistan the end of August, we are in Holland using a local bike to cycle around, and a weekend traintrip to Paris before returning home once again October 15th.

The next part of this journal isn’t about being on a bike tour but going on a hike. While on this tour, Morocco to Holland, we planned and arranged a month long tour in Pakistan: trekking to Fairy Meadows to see Nanga Parbat and a Trek to Concordia to see K2, then a drive through the Hunza Valley. 

This means using the time to train for the next part of this adventure.

 First, Trekking in the foothills of Boise, Idaho with the Hiking Chix. 

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Trekking to the top of Tablerock with Frans, Patrick's dad. We continued this hike twice a week.

View from the top of Tablerock
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Nice view of Boise
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Another good training hike that involves more altitude gains.

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A separate hike we did with Frans.

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The beginning of the invasion of Mormon Crickets.
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Syringa, Idaho’s state flower.
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Bill ShaneyfeltLooks like a pale swallowtail

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1 year ago
Scott AndersonBeautiful shot. It’s really lovely on this plant.
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9 months ago
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Rachael hikes Tablerock with us
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Tashi, Ocho and Miles. They know something is up.
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Our housesitter/catsitter and friend Kim Johnson returns taking care of things before the start of the tour and now at the end. 

We leave Aug 23 for Amsterdam. After a few days of family visit we will continue onto Islmabad and trekking to Fairy Meadow with views of Nanga Parbat. Then a 14 day trek to K2 Basecamp and finally driving up the Karakorum highway through the Hunza Valley to the China border. Thirty days later we will fly back to Amsterdam and have another couple weeks in Holland with a family visit, a quick trip to Paris by train.and using the bikes to do errands. 

Oh deer, this is the end of this part of the journal until we post about Pakistan trekking.

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Scott AndersonGood idea. I doubt you’d find many objections if you just kept going with this.
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9 months ago
Rachael AndersonI look forward to reading about your trekking!
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9 months ago
Rachel and Patrick HugensTo Scott AndersonWe are hoping that it's ok with everyone/administrator. After reading some other journals that started out with a tour by car before cycling, we figured since we planned this while ending the bike tour it really was still part of the same journey...just at the end instead of the beginning or middle. We will add once home the pictures of your visit!

How do we add the videos that we have of the trek?
We are planning for 2024, late summer another tour starting in Iceland, Faroe Islands Scandinavia to the Northcape and back to Holland.
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9 months ago
Rachel and Patrick HugensTo Rachael AndersonThanks Rachael.
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9 months ago
Scott AndersonTo Rachel and Patrick HugensRachael has an account on Vimeo. She uploads them there, and uses its export function to create a link that gets pasted into the movie camera icon - similar to how you add maps.
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9 months ago