Day 116: Kapelle Op Den Bos to Ossendrecht - Racpat Morocco to Holland 2023 - CycleBlaze

June 11, 2023

Day 116: Kapelle Op Den Bos to Ossendrecht

Last Day Another One For The Bikes!

We are off early for the last day of cycling in order to beat the heat and try to outsmart the wind. We’ve cycled 26 days out of the past 28 days. We say goodbye to our hosts and set off. They have given us good recommendations for a route.

We thank our warmshowers host and then off for the last day cycling
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So many horses in this area and Holland. Horses are boarded since many don't have the land necessary.
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We are first on a bikepath next to a road until we find the bikepath following the canal.

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Documentation that Rachel tosses a tissue in the trash
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Trish HartRachel you look so strong! What a ride!
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1 year ago
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Trish HartHow beautiful. At least you will find ducks waiting for you in Idaho.
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1 year ago
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A cyclist counter
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There are heaps of cyclists out on this Sunday morning. Near Lier, we stop for pictures on a bridge and see that there is an automatic counter of the number of cyclists who have gone on this route. We find the Zimmer Tower and a café open for coffee. Then we ride through the city center to connect to another canal bike path.

Rudy a local cyclist just back from his own tour rides with us for quite a lot of km.
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A side road into Leir City center
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Zimmer Clock
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Patrick O'HaraWhat a crazy astronomical clock! I wonder what all of the dials represent? So curious.
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1 year ago
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Patrick O'HaraWell. That answers some of my questions.
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1 year ago
After a coffee stop, we continue on
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Lier city square
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Trish HartJust beautiful. Almost story book!
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1 year ago
Rachel and Patrick HugensTo Trish HartHi, thanks for following....back soon!
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1 year ago
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Bread vending machine
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Next to the bread vending machine, these are for sale
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Favorite cyclist stop for a break...a bus stall, provides a bench and shade.
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Almost to our meet up with Linda and Marco we stop for Fries and croquettes.
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The fries didn't come in a paper cone, but did have the mayo spread on top
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Of course, the rental bikes are orange
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Near the Belgium Border is Kasteel Ravenhof where we’ve arranged to meet up with Linda and Marco. From here, they will ride with us as we retrace the route on Patrick’s return from his RTW tour 1992-94.

At Kasteel Ravenhof, Linda and Marco meet up with us to ride the last bit of the tour together
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We celebrate with a beer
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Patrick and Linda
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The street that Patrick's Oma and Opa lived. We are retracing the route to Ossendrecht from 1994.
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Ossendrecht Church
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“One more photo,” Rachel says with the first stop for a photo at the Belgium/Holland border.  In 1994, Patrick returning to home along with Rachel had been met at this border by friends and families also on bikes and escorted to the city limit. Here there is a radio interview and the marching band leads him by home before continuing on to City Hall where he is greeted by the mayor. 

The final stop is at the sports hall and a welcome home party.

The Belgium-Holland border marker
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Lori LewisWhat no greeters and mayoral visit... Nah just that guy Patrick AGAIN!
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1 year ago
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Also, part of this return home in 1994, Patrick had warned Rachel about the last hill into Ossendrecht. Remembering back then as we were getting close to the town Rachel asks “where is the hill?” Patrick replied, “You’re riding it now.” This has become a teasing joke over the years. Now as we are near Ossendrecht, Linda says, "There's one more hill.

The beginning of "the hill"
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It's a tough "hill" so steep.
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Look at that gradient
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Even at the end of long tour, a hill can be "tough", Rachel hears one last time for this tour Barb from spin class "Let's go, you can do better than this." The mantra that helped in Morocco.
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We ride up the hill together. Wow look at that gradient!
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We made it!
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Then at the city border, “One more photo.” And, remembering this same spot for a photo when we started the RTW tour in 2015, when Linda had said, “No wonder you need two years to complete the tour, so many photos.” 

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1994 City limit. Village welcomed Patrick home at this same spot
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Marching band escorted us past the Hugen's home. Patrick's Opa on the left
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Lori LewisOh look how cute and happy you both are😻
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1 year ago
2015 leaving Ossendrecht starting 2+year RTW tour
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Then, we are almost to home when Rachel says “One more photo,” and we turn to city center and for a picture with the Ox. Patrick is from a town named after an Ox and Rachel’s home town is Cowden.

Then just like that our reality shifts! We arrive at Frans and Petra’s home, our place for the week to organize for our trip home to Boise. A total 5002 km done and another tour for the bikes. And only one puncture!

Let the planning begin for the next adventure!

First meal in Holland....go figure, Patrick wanted Chinese. Thanks Linda and Marco.
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Then a visit with Oma
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Today's ride: 74 km (46 miles)
Total: 5,002 km (3,106 miles)

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Rachael AndersonCongratulations!
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1 year ago