Day 18: back on route and into Harrodsburg - NZ lad riding coast-to-coast in the US - CycleBlaze

May 30, 2023

Day 18: back on route and into Harrodsburg

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I got up nice and early and started getting packed up. It's always amazing how long it can take to get ready even without a tent to pack up.

I headed down to get my morning coffee from the lobby and collect my laundry I'd left in a bag in the laundry while dropping Natalie at the airport yesterday. That was a mistake, since now the bag wasn't there. It was before 6am so I asked the night auditor if it had been put into a lost and found but she said to come back after 7 once housekeeping arrived.

I finished packing up and wheeled my bike down at about 7:30 but they hadn't found my bag and suspected it had been stolen. Not a huge problem, it only had a rag, my UV protection shirt and a thermal buff. Unfortunately my shirt was pretty useful, especially with the sunburn on my arms. But I can survive without any of those for a while.

I started riding out towards Harrodsburg, the nearest major town westward on the TransAm. As I started rolling, I realised my brake pads were really starting to lose power. So I tightened them a little and made a note to replace at least the front ones at camp.

Very quickly I was on the main road to Harrodsburg, a multi lane expressway. This wasn't a problem when there was a two metre shoulder but that disappeared without warning so I had to find some alternate routes. I traced my way through some winding suburbs and a park, weaving back and forth for a long time.

Eventually this led me back to the expressway but with a very wide shoulder again and I only had to ride a few km before going down a side road that ended in a cycle-only pathway. This kept me going for a long time until I got to low traffic roads.

Surprise bike infrastructure
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Unfortunately, the direct route to Harrodsburg had a road closure to improve some rock faces, so I had to turn off route. You can see the big detour I had to take on the map.

This took me down very quiet country roads, some barely wide enough to fit a car. I even had to do my first river crossing of the trip, luckily the rivers are very low right now.

The nice little road with the river crossing
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Some huge coal power plant or such that I circled from a distance
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On one of the minor roads off the main highway a driver pulled beside me and chatted about which direction I was going and asking all about the trip. He was familiar with the route but must have mainly encountered eastbound cyclists.

Just a few km along that road I ran into Camp Nelson State Park. I didn't know anything about this piece of Civil War history, and learnt all about the fort sat along the cliffs bordering the Kentucky River.

I ended up riding across the river on the shoulder of the highway and was impressed how much limestone the river had carved out.

It wasn't long before I was back on the TransAm route in Buena Vista. I had to stop under the shade of the first tree I saw because Kentucky is hot, and there's not many chances to stop in shade. I carried on up to Burgin where I stopped for the biggest milkshake and burger I could stomach at a local popular dairy bar in the tiny town.

Satisfied, I made the final trek I to Harrodsburg and up to the community park I was going to spend the night in. When I arrived I made a beeline to the pool, which had a couple kids swimming in it and looked open for use. I went in with my towel and togs and was turned away, the pool wasn't opening for another 4 days but one of the park staff was just allowing their kids a dip. I started trudging my bike up the hill in the park to a pavilion to get dinner sorted but ended up being called out to and invited into the pool.

I even got to go on the hydroslide
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Boy I needed that swim, today felt hotter than any other day and I needed to cool off as much as I could. The day was good but I was exhausted and the dip made me feel so much better.

I had a bite to eat up at the pavilion and got to work changing my brake pads. I ended up having to take my front rack off to access them, which meant it took longer than I expected.

I got a few strange looks from people using the park as I fixed my bike
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I made some plans for the next day and set up my tent in the trees, ready to do it again tomorrow.

Today's ride: 79 km (49 miles)
Total: 862 km (535 miles)

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