8. 6/6/23 Blenheim, Ontario to Port Stanley, Ontario - Gass-powered Tandem Around Lake Erie (clockwise) - CycleBlaze

June 6, 2023

8. 6/6/23 Blenheim, Ontario to Port Stanley, Ontario

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Note: This elevation data is incorrect. The actual elevation gain was 678 ft. (Corrected from Strava data) and the added distance includes our RT ride back into Blenhem for breakfast.

Oh boy, hard day in the saddle. We rode mostly Northeast today and the wind was steady from the North at 10-17 mph. We continued on the Talbot Trail and our views were essentially these two pictures!

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We got to the point of looking for tree windbreaks. It was amazing how much a row of trees to our left (north) blocked the wind.  We stopped for a rest by trees near a cemetery.

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Just as we were about to leave, a man came up on his ATV.  He was checking us out because this was his family cemetery!  He turned out to be quite nice and was pleased to meet us, show us around and hear about our trip.

Mac Ford
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His ancestors who founded the family farm. (Originally from Scotland)
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And, by the way, the flowers I called phlox yesterday are really Dame's Rocket (thank you to Bill Shaneyfelt for telling me this.  I have never heard of Dame's Rocket. I love learning new flowers!)

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Winds got stronger as the day got longer.  The temperature also went up and there was no place to stop for food or water.  We picnicked at a random park with picnic tables and porta potties. 

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With 15 miles to go, the route turned north for 7.5 miserable miles into the wind and then 7.5 blessed miles to the south and east.  Just as we turned South, we had only a few sips of water left.  We saw a woman in her yard and asked if we could fill up a bottle from her garden hose.  Yes!  

Port Stanley is a beach town.  Most restaurants are open only on a limited basis as it is still early summer.  We called around to find a breakfast place because although our hotel is lovely, it doesn't serve breakfast.  Nothing is open before 10 a.m.  We want to be on the road around 9.  So at our delicious dinner, we asked for coffee to go.  Our terrific waitress asked if we wanted cream and sugar and honey (because though she wasn't supposed to say so, the coffee is terrible!  Haha!)  We accepted.  The plan is to have cold coffee tomorrow with granola bars and then ride to a grocery store for fruit. 

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Jeanna & Kerry SmithToo bad you didn't have the opportunity to have the fried lake perch breakfast at the Windjammer B&B. Truly memorable!
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1 year ago
Francie GassAh, but we had a perch and pickerel dinner last night that was lovely.
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1 year ago
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Apparently the hazy sky is due to wildfires in Alberta.
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Today's ride: 57 miles (92 km)
Total: 184 miles (296 km)

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