Sagrada Familia - A Grand 3 Month European Tour on an E-Tandem - CycleBlaze

Sagrada Familia

WOur next tour today is to visit the impressive Sagrada Familia, the brainchild of Gaudi which was begun in 1882 and is hoped to have a completion date of 2026. His original vision is being carried out by a new generation of architects, stained glass artists, stone carvers artists. Gaudi understood that his vision would morph over time in to the perspective of the current time of his followers. The scale of this project is grand beyond belief. In fact, even with an audio guide and hours spent there, it is difficult to grasp all that is involved. The plan was for the exterior of the building to be grandiose with  detailed intricate carvings, images and crushed glass fruit atop the towers. The story of Christ’s life is depicted here.   Conversely, the interior is relatively simple and serene. The impression of vast space, an interior forest of towering stone columns of great breadth with branch like arms extending to support the extremely high ceiling is quite powerful in its simplicity. As well as this, the stained glass which dominates each wall and parts of the ceiling is extraordinary and bathes the interior with coloured light flowing through the spaces. Artificial lighting is not needed here. We found this to be spectacular.

Gaudi had an untimely death, killed by a tram in Barcelona. He had only completed a small portion of his vision. He was so devoted to Sagrada that he lived onsite. On the day of his death, one bell from Sagrada was rung. As he had wished, he was buried in the crypt of Sagrada and this remains his place of 

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Gaudi’s vision had much detail, whimsy and colour.
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This entrance wall tells the story of Jesus, his birth and life. This pictorial story is detailed with much symbolism.
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These doors were part of Gaudi’s original design and were completed after his death. They are very striking with a bold use of colour and their simplicity contrasts with the intricate carvings of the life of Jesus above the doors.
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The light filled interior from natural light is impressive. The design is brilliant in terms of his use of stained glass and space to create light.
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You can see the use of skylights and gold paint added to the effect.
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Here you can get the effect of the columns which are fashioned in to the vision of a forest supporting the ceiling. An organic idea for this structure.
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Such vision Gaudi had - the light and stylistic details make this ceiling look delicate and commands your attention.
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Stained glass and skylights - the upper circular glass have the names of saints and holy places.
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The nave is relatively simply with this carving of Jesus on the cross under a canopy taking a dominant position, visible from everywhere inside the church.
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The columns are made of different materials, based on the weight load they are required to support. It is hard to take a photo to show the scale of these massive columns.
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Steve Miller/GrampiesNice coverage Barry and Mary Ellen. We are there now!
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9 months ago