Day 2: Sunday 18 June 2023 - Gisors to Meaux - Brighton to Barcelona by bike - CycleBlaze

June 18, 2023

Day 2: Sunday 18 June 2023 - Gisors to Meaux

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route planned 114km

Roasting hot room but slept ok, although not enough! Downstairs for breakfast by eight, which was a much better breakfast than expected, and out on the road by 0845.  It had been raining heavily when I woke up, but by the time we left, it was warm and muggy, and although it looked like it was going to rain most of the morning, we did not get any,  and the afternoon was warm and sunny, with somewhat of a headwind..

The morning was open country, roads with fields of wheat, and we made very good progress, although the distance of 114 km sounded a bit daunting. We had a cake and drink stop at the 30 km mark and another stop at 58 KM which is more than halfway there. Sorry to admit that the French offerings look too slow, so, after a quick drink at the French café, we went to McDonald's for a light burger. Being France, you can actually buy a smaller burger with smaller fries.

The afternoon was a long drag and more wooded. My knee was actually okay most of the day, but my left foot and more generally my left side was playing up, and my toe is cramping on the left. In someway connected, who is the fact that I sit wonkily on the bike, leaning to one side. That puts pressure on my upper body and back. There is also the fact that I hadn't done enough training due to my bad knee, and that always on this type of trip the second day is more of a challenge than the the first one.

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Today's ride: 113 km (70 miles)
Total: 238 km (148 miles)

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Ben GoodgerBrilliant stuff. We are all keeping our fingers and toes crossed the McCarthy knee holds out!
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1 year ago
Len SuchMassive effort so far Julian and only day 2! Jane and I are sitting in Le Shuttle terminal waiting to go home. Kustroute 12 (or our variation of it) was quite excellent
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1 year ago