Day 4 - One Perfect Day, Cowra to Forbes - Unfinished Business - CycleBlaze

May 4, 2023

Day 4 - One Perfect Day, Cowra to Forbes

Sunshine! How can you beat a day that gives you blue sky and gold tops, you have a bowl of muesli and then cycle in to town for a good coffee. From there you cycle up the hill to the high school (Robin: it has to be up a hill) and chat with year 7 students?

They engaged and the questions flowed. How do you go to the bathroom in the bush? Do you hunt? Why not solid tyres? How do you find somewhere to stay? And many more.

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It was time to duck around the corner to the pre-school for a terrific welcome.

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Lyla RoganBelated comment but I loved the video
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1 year ago

It was time to take a few photographs before going our separate ways.

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My destination was Dick's place in Forbes -90 km away. Conditions were near perfect and I stopped only for photos. A big flock of royal spoonbills just out of Cowra was the highlight. I pushed hard knowing that in Forbes was a good curry, naan, a beer and fine company. I got there just on 5 with 98 km for the day. I felt like a disappointed cricketer. It was so close to one perfect day.

Yellow box Eucalyptus melliodora, tree of the day
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Aboriginal art on roadwork covers; we're getting better!
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Weddin "Moundains"; we're a flat country!
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Today's ride: 98 km (61 miles)
Total: 348 km (216 miles)

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