Cambodia - Chau Doc to Siem Reap - CycleBlaze

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Cambodia - Chau Doc to Siem Reap

Andy Girvan

I am planning Hanoi to Bangkok Dec - Feb.  I have my route corridor planned from Hanoi - Chau Doc although Nha Trang to Dalat will depend on weather and fitness.

From Chau Doc I am looking at a few options.  Advice seems to be to avoid cycling Phnom Penh - Siem Reap because the highway is too busy.  There are "rumours" of river boats to Phnom Penh and a ferry from PP to SR.  However I cannot find evidence that these are running.  The Trip Advisor forum has confirmed that the ferries have stopped but I wonder if the river boat from Chau Doc is running?

It looks like I'll cycle PP - Battambang and then take a tourist bus or private car back to SR so I can visit Angkor Wat.

Can anyone share their experiences?

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4 months ago
Andy GirvanTo Andy Girvan

I found this journal which has helped:

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4 months ago
Rachel and Patrick HugensTo Andy Girvan

There is a boat from Battambang to just south of Siem Reap. Be sure to plan plenty of time in Siem Reap to see the ruins.

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4 months ago
Andy GirvanTo Rachel and Patrick Hugens

Fantastic, just what I was looking for.  Not sure if I'll opt for the boat at 9 hours or a bus but I suspect I'll stay at Siem Reap for at least 3 nights.  I'll aim to leave my bike at Battambang and just take one bag to SR.

Thanks you very much.

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4 months ago
Andrea BrownTo Andy Girvan

Hey, that's us! Yes, as of that date the boat was still running and it was a fun day. We considered the rural route along the river but had also seen that some people trying to cross into Cambodia via the two different immigration offices had a little trouble. And since we are not long-distance riders we didn't feel like riding what appears to be a very isolated dirt road with few facilities. Keep in mind though that Google Maps hasn't been on those roads in a while and a lot of things have changed since they were. So it may be that you could have a real adventure if you want to give it a go. Definitely journal your trip!

 The boat was a sure bet, and though we aren't used to being in a group like that, it wasn't terrible, we met nice folks, and we had a nice view of the Mekong, sand mining and all.

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4 months ago
Rachel and Patrick HugensTo Andy Girvan

The boat takes the back waters and it's nice to see daily life by those who live by the water. So if you don't take the other boat ride to PP this one would be nice. alternative. For pictures of Boat ride Battambang-Seim Reap

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4 months ago