Trip Insurance? (page 2) - CycleBlaze

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Trip Insurance? (page 2)

Kelly IniguezTo John Pescatore

here’s a new take on insurance. I reserved a yurt At a campground in Idaho for this summer’s tour. $50.  For $2.78 extra I could get rain insurance. What is that? If it rains for at least one hour the day we arrive, we would get half of our camping fee back. 

I’d sure like to buy my own rain insurance while bicycling! especially the portion we are in Canada. I did not buy the policy, but I checked it out. The business you are patronizing has to subscribe. They were mostly ccampgrounds and golf courses. 

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4 months ago
Kathleen JonesTo John Pescatore

I’m borrowing my sister-in-law’s expensive e-bike to ride in France and Germany later this spring. Anybody have experience with getting theft insurance for this type of situation, where the rider is not the owner, and the owner is not the rider? I can see how insurance companies would try to wriggle out of this, but I’m hoping there’s some sort of policy I can get. 

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4 months ago
Suzanne GibsonTo Kathleen Jones

Hi Kathleen! My bike is insured with "andsafe", 86 Euros a year. I inquired if it is insured when being used by someone else. Here's the answer. You probably don't need the translation but here is the correspondence.

"Ist mein Fahrrad noch versichert, wenn nicht ich sondern ein anderer damit unterwegs ist?

andsafe Kundenservice - andsafe customer service

Bei unserem Fahrradversicherungsschutz gibt es keine Einschränkungen hinsichtlich der Personen, die Ihr versichertes Fahrrad nutzen dürfen. Sowohl Sie als auch andere Personen, denen Sie die Nutzung Ihres Fahrrads gestatten, sind im Rahmen der Versicherung abgedeckt.

With our bike insurance coverage, there are no restrictions on who can use your insured bike. Both you and anyone else you allow to use your bike are covered under the insurance."

The only restrictions I know are that it has to be indoors at night and in the daytime it must be locked to something. The insurance is valid outside of Germany as well.

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4 months ago
Suzanne GibsonTo Kathleen Jones

So you might want your sister-in-law to take out an insurance for your peace of mind.

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4 months ago
Scott AndersonTo Suzanne Gibson

Interesting idea.  This has never occurred to me.

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4 months ago
Scott AndersonTo Suzanne Gibson

Interesting idea.  This has never occurred to me.  But I guess I dint need to repeat the point.

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4 months ago