Journal Comments - Frankie goes to.....the North of Thailand (2019) - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments

From Frankie goes to.....the North of Thailand (2019) by Frank Roettgen

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Deleted Account commented on a photo in Chiang Saen - Middle of Nowhere

I too have enjoyed some of these little concrete bungalows - awesome. Didn't realise they were predominantly for sex though - probably explains why I got propositioned by one of the workers at one.


4 years ago
Frank Roettgen commented on a photo in Finally rolling! Chiang Mai - Chiang Dao

Thank you for the compliment, Andrew. Gosh, at the same time it makes me realize how long I haven't been able to do any serious cycling.....To answer your question re deposit transfer: I do any international transactions with the British "Transferwise" Bank which operates on a peer system. Very reliable, far cheaper than a normal bank. Unfortunately I can't recommend anything else, Andrew, as there was no need for me to look into anything else.

4 years ago
Deleted Account commented on a photo in Finally rolling! Chiang Mai - Chiang Dao

Hi Frank, loving the journal. Great idea for Good coffee. I too prefer Good coffee but actually get on ok with the Nescafe 3 in 1 sachets in that part of the world (when there's no real stuff available). Much better than all the crap sachets available here in Australia. Great idea to have a bike in each of your Ports - I hate flying with the bike!
Hope you holed up safe and sound for this virus - imagine you'd be like me and can't wait to get going again.
I've actually been in contact with your mate Ma at Bokbok about getting a new bike custom built there - awaiting a response from him on price. If I need to pay him deposit, what is the best way for me to get that to him?

4 years ago
Chris Wee replied to a comment by Bruce Lellman on a photo in Day trip to the Sukhothai Historical Park

Yes that's the way to do it. Had a hard time finding it in Singapore, shopkeepers said it was dangerous and banned. Grabbed a few in Bali at 2 bucks each.

5 years ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Chris Wee on a photo in Day trip to the Sukhothai Historical Park

One note on those immersion heaters....Make sure it is in the water when you plug it in. Then, when you are ready to take it out, unplug it first. We blew one out once. Apparently the thing likes to be in water to start its work and to end it too.

5 years ago
Frank Roettgen replied to a comment by Ute Nonhoff on a photo in Phayao - Chiang Muan

Why does good advice always come too late, Ute? But fortunately the next trip is not that far away....

5 years ago
Frank Roettgen replied to a comment by Henna Janiesch on Sleeper train Bangkok - Trang

Much appreciated, Helmut! Hope you had a good time in Egypt and managed to restrict your alcohol consumption when being out with the boys..... A bit early but I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas

5 years ago
Henna Janiesch commented on Sleeper train Bangkok - Trang

Returning from Egypt reading your writings I`ve missed was a must.
I started withe the 10th of November the last report I had read before leaving Germany. I thought I would read 2 or 3 "days" but I tell you I couldnt stop reading the whole story. I love it.
Thanks again that you share your adventure .
Take care, my friend. Hope to meet you again.
Tomorrow we have a VET-meeting in Düsseldorf- Uwe Mainz, Stümmi, Tom Littges, Horst Schewe and I.
I will tell them about your trip and we will have a drink on you.
The old ret. Colonel

5 years ago
Ute Nonhoff commented on a photo in Phayao - Chiang Muan

well cut them up and put some of it in your water you drink during the day... ;)

5 years ago
Frank Roettgen replied to a comment by Bruce Lellman on a photo in Nakhon Sawan - Chainat

I am still waiting too, Bruce, as it is so comfortable to just snap a picture and then have somebody full of knowledge doing the scientific part for you......

5 years ago
Bruce Lellman commented on a photo in Nakhon Sawan - Chainat

What happened to Bill?

5 years ago
Frank Roettgen replied to a comment by Bruce Lellman on By train to Bangkok

Your very kind words leave me behind bashful, honored and inspired at the same time, Bruce. Any words from my side on your own blog would look like I am just trying to be polite but I am very serious in saying: Likewise!

5 years ago
Bruce Lellman commented on By train to Bangkok

Another great journal, Frankie. I like your easy, happy and informative prose and your beautifully colorful, sharp, well composed and also informative photos. Your obvious love for Thailand is paired equally with my own. Add it all up and in my opinion your Thai journals are the best journals for me. I enjoy them immensely. Thank you so much. I will be looking forward to your Vietnam journal. We had a blast there three years ago.

5 years ago
Chris Wee commented on a photo in By train to Bangkok

There's a bike friendly ferry across the river that leads to the lane that leads to the Ayutthaya train station, all in an almost straight line. I did the opposite route last May, trying to cut down the 1500m trek to our guesthouse in 40C heat.

5 years ago
Chris Wee commented on a photo in Ang Thong - Ayutthaya

If you're just photographing the head that's fine, but the need to have oneself in the frame in every pic, is beyond comprehension. There was a security guard when I visited, just because some people went too close to the head.

5 years ago