To Hervás - The Seven Year Itch - CycleBlaze

April 24, 2024

To Hervás

We enjoy one of the last fair days for awhile on our ride to Hervás.  It’s a pretty easy ride but one that ends up with a long, gradual lift up to town.  We’re on the N-630 again, the long, old national highway that runs all the way from Gijon on the north coast south to Seville.  Like the other sections of it that we’ve ridden the traffic is very light - though if you look at the video you won’t think so because all the footage is in the first two or three miles after leaving Plasencia, before all the traffic splits off for the modern, faster highway.  Unfortunately soon after that Rachael’s GoPro battery died and it was too much work to fish through the baggage to find her backups.

Leaving Plasencia.
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It’s still pretty open here but we’re closing in on the mountains fast.
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It’s still stony in here too, with granite boulders strewn around the fields giving a feeling like the country around Trujillo.
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Black kite!
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Steve Miller/GrampiesHow did you do that??
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2 months ago
Scott AndersonTo Steve Miller/GrampiesPretty easy. I’ve got his wings suspended by fishing line.

Actually of course, pure luck. We saw him circling in the distance and then suddenly he was flying straight toward me. Lucky that I got him in focus in time.
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2 months ago
Keith AdamsStrafing run?
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2 months ago
Must be an old lodging or restaurant.
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This gives a better feeling for the road than the video does. Very quiet, like a twenty foot wide bike path.
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Rachael puzzled over what was happening here when she looked at the map before the ride. We’re passing under the A-4, the modern highway.
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Another black kite! We must be really into kite terrain now. We saw six of them today.
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Karen PoretBird and structure resembles the scales of justice! ( ironic, huh?)
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2 months ago
Convinced now?
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Steve Miller/GrampiesIs this shot a separate zoom, or a blow up of the shot preceding it? When I try to blow up your first, distant shot, it is very fuzzy. But this is nice and sharp. If it is a blow up, it must be based on a higher resolution source than we are accessing here in Cycleblaze?
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2 months ago
Scott AndersonTo Steve Miller/GrampiesThey're distinct shots. The second one is fully zoomed. I included them both because I wanted to show the mountains in the background.
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2 months ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Scott AndersonAh yes. 30x optical zoom in iA?

I have almost bought the 83x one - it's waiting in the shopping cart of a store back home. When we get there, we are likely to pull the trigger (especially since no new bike expense- yet).
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2 months ago
Keith AdamsTo Steve Miller/Grampies83x? Wow- I thought I had something special with my 60x, although I'm contemplating a splurge on the 40x model due to its smaller, more compact size. (My 60x is shaped more like an SLR though of course it isn't really...)

But that would give me THREE cameras to manage: my trusty old Olympus TG-4 point-and-shoot, the 60x Lumix, and another one. If the Olympus had better than 4x optical zoom I wouldn't even be thinking this way, but it's not going anywhere: rugged, weatherproof, submersible to 50 feet without a housing... it's my SCUBA camera mostly but rides happily in my handlebar bag when I'm biking.
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2 months ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Keith AdamsI think one of the most successful photographers on Cycleblaze is Jean-Marc Strydom. Recently I asked him about his gear and how he takes his shots. In his reply he supplied several photos of what he uses. I bet you would find these interesting:
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2 months ago
Keith AdamsTo Steve Miller/GrampiesYeah, I won't be carrying anything like that rig, ever. At least not on my bike.
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2 months ago
Scott AndersonTo Keith AdamsI won’t either. What is the 40x camera you’re considering though, Keith? When my current camera gives out I’m probably going to need to do something different because the manufacturers aren’t supporting these upscale point and shoots any more.
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2 months ago
Keith AdamsTo Scott AndersonI was thinking of whatever the current version of yours might be, and was *assuming* (perhaps incorrectly) that it's still in production and available. Seems I may have been deluding myself, and might have to go to FleaBay to find either a NOS or used copy of yours..
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2 months ago
Scott AndersonTo Keith AdamsIt’s not just Panasonic either. I think Canon and the other major manufacturers are discontinuing these compact point and shoots as not profitable any more because phones have taken so much of the market share.
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2 months ago
Keith AdamsTo Scott AndersonMakes sense. I bet you're right.
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2 months ago
Nearing Hervás.
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Video sound track: Bright Moments, by Grover Washington, Jr.

We did the usual when we arrived in town, finding an outdoor table at a restaurant on the plaza with an attractive fixed menu.  After that we biked the few blocks to our apartment and after a series of WhatsApp interactions with our host we got access.  It’s an outstanding place, a split level unit with the bedroom upstairs.  It’s easily one of the most appealing places we’ve stayed on the tour.  Thoughtfully laid out, spacious and comfortable.  I especially appreciated being given the combination for the address right next door, currently in use as a storage or utility space.  It was a relief to just be able to wheel the bikes in rather than muscle them up two flights of stairs to our apartment.

The lower level of our apartment.
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The view from our window.
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After lunch and the requisite break for digestive activities I went off for a loop around town.  I started by heading to the nearby church and what must be the best viewpoint from inside town.

Santa Maria de Aguas Vivas Church.
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Looking east across the upper end of town toward the western end of the Sierra de Gredos range.
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Roof bird #1.
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Steve Miller/GrampiesAha, Eurasian Magpie. Very elegant in its tuxedo!
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2 months ago
The view to the east. The curious building is the Motorcycle and Classic Car Museum, a spot I definitely should have made my way up to.
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A close-up of San Juan Bautista Church.
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Roof bird #2.
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Steve Miller/GrampiesClearly a lovely White Wagtail.
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2 months ago
I’m not sure why I included this. Laundry’s a better subject to fill up a slow news day.
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Karen PoretWhy not? The relief of the male face seems to say “eh”..
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2 months ago
Scott AndersonTo Karen PoretHah. Didn’t see that guy.
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2 months ago
Karen PoretTo Scott AndersonOf course not! You were admiring the clean laundry ;)
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2 months ago
Same story with cat photos.
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Dropping into the Juderia, a remarkable neighborhood and one of the town’s top attractions. We’ll circle back for a better look later.
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SanJuan Bautista church again.
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Roof bird #3.
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Steve Miller/GrampiesWell yeah, a Rock Pigeon.
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2 months ago
Scott AndersonTo Steve Miller/Grampies343! Woo hoo!
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2 months ago
Puente de Hierro, a former railroad bridge over the Ambroz River, now part of the via verde.
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San Juan Bautista Church again. Last time, I promise.
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Looking across the Ambroz at the edge of the Juderia.
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Same spot, closer look.
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In the Juderia.
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In the Juderia.
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In the Juderia.
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Cat in the Juderia.
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In the Juderia.
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Karen PoretMoral crossing, or crossing the moral? Hmmm.
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2 months ago
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Today's ride: 26 miles (42 km)
Total: 1,137 miles (1,830 km)

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Steve Miller/GrampiesTremendous birding success!
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2 months ago
Scott AndersonTo Steve Miller/GrampiesThanks! I’m really pleased with how it’s going this year. I saw three new ones the day before yesterday I haven’t posted yet that brings me up to 226 - one more than my final total for all of last year.
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2 months ago