12/19/23 near Chapala - south - CycleBlaze

December 19, 2023

12/19/23 near Chapala

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I had both oatmeal and pancakes for breakfast this morning. I knew I was going to have to camp tonight and was aiming for Chapala, a truck stop about 50 miles away, where I had camped in 2014. I arrived a few hours before sundown and got some food at the restaurant. While I was eating a truck pulled up and the noise reminded me of how loud l could expect the night to be. I decided to ride for another few miles and camp in the desert away from the road, which I did. I didn’t take any pictures because I pitched my tent in a stream bed and was embarrassed to document such a foolish choice. But there were thorns everywhere else, and I’d seen satellite photos showing no chance of rain and decided to risk it. Slept well. 

Leaving Cantaviña in the morning
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Bill ShaneyfeltMexican giant cactus.

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7 months ago
Third breakfast
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The highest point on Mex 1. It’s all downhill now
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Today's ride: 47 miles (76 km)
Total: 371 miles (597 km)

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