04/20/24 Somotillo - south - CycleBlaze

April 20, 2024

04/20/24 Somotillo

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It’s too hot for anything interesting to come into my head.  I made it into Nicaragua without any undue hassle, to my pleasant surprise. A lot of waiting, but in an air conditioned building. 

Nicely paved road
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But with a high lip that crisscrossed the shoulder without rhyme or reason. It’s steep enough that at the wrong angle or speed it can be dangerous, so I had to always be on my toes
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Karen PoretThe fence ( designs) are very intriguing!
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4 months ago
Leaving before sunrise, my shirt is sticking to my back with sweat almost immediately. There’s a brief sweet spot after sunrise where the humidity drops and it’s very pleasant cycling. Then the heat kicks it
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Good morning to you, too
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Calabash tree. I understand a drink is made from the dried seed pods
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Trees dripping with mangoes
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Pretty river
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Big dreams
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All the roadside houses get their yards swept and damped with water in the morning.
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Siblings carrying full buckets of water. The youngest brother up front was struggling to keep from sloshing
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Used to be a hill here, now it’s a field
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Solar farm
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Pretty view near the border
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I got to the border around 9:30. It took me close to 2 hours to exit Honduras and enter Nicaragua, mostly spent in slow moving lines
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Nicaragua on the left, Honduras on the right. My tires were fumigated with unknown chemicals as I entered
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And here I sm
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Mister! Money!
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43 C is 109 F. I don’t think it was really that hot, but it was miserable enough
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Not a lot to Somotillo
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This was the nicest place in town. $30, good air conditioning
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Too hot to enjoy the courtyard
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Karen PoretEven the parrot in the cage is squawking ( HOT!) ;)
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4 months ago
So many pedicabs
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These and motorcycles seem to be the main transport around town
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Today's ride: 44 miles (71 km)
Total: 3,632 miles (5,845 km)

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