02/21/24 Pyramid and Puebla - south - CycleBlaze

February 21, 2024

02/21/24 Pyramid and Puebla

I saw the pyramid I’d wanted to see, but couldn’t get inside like I’d hoped and popped into Puebla city for a few hours.  I’m ready to resume riding my bike again, it’s what I really want to be doing. 

The Great Pyramid of Cholula is a series of nested pyramids built over six centuries, and abandoned several centuries before the Spaniards arrived. By then it looked like a hill, as it does today
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The Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios was built on top in the late 1500’s using stones from the remnants of the original temple on the top of the pyramid
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It’s very ornate
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The sign says no photographs in this room behind the altar. I took one deliberately, as a protest against the practice of building new temples out of old
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It’s a steep hike up to the church at the top. This is looking west towards Cholula and Popocatépetl
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The northwest view. The large building is the famous San Gabriel Franciscan Convent, which I didn’t visit
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Looking east towards Puebla city, right next door. Too big a city for me to get excited about while on a loaded bicycle
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The view from inside the church
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and standing in the entrance
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Excavations of a complex of buildings on the south side of the pyramid, as seen while walking down from the church
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These were also built over several centuries
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Pre-conquest, colonial and modern, the history of Mexico in one photo
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Now that’s a disappointment, it’s what I’d hoped to do. But not since the pandemic can you walk inside and see the nested pyramids
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I wandered the grounds instead
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There were a few signs explaining things. A guide would have been better but I’d run out of cash to hire one
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This is the only part of the pyramid itself which is exposed
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Not much, but enough to imagine what it must have been like
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Karen PoretWhat does the legend say about it?
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5 months ago
I took a taxi to the historic center of Puebla, to see a bit of the city. I didn’t have any desire to give it the proper attention a tour of Mexico would demand, I’m on a simple bike ride, not really exploring. I had an expensive soup on a balcony overlooking the Zocalo
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And wandered the streets a bit
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Puebla Cathedral, built over 300 years. Mass was being conducted so I only stood inside and watched without photos. But quite impressive
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More streets
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I had my lunch on the balcony with the red awnings
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Karen PoretNote the “Italian Coffee Company” ..in Mexico..
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5 months ago
Yesterday’s burp made the papers
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A pretty fountain
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A charcoal store near the bus station. The taxi ride over cost a whopping 250 pesos, I’ve no idea if I was ripped off or if that’s the price, but I asked my driver for a cheaper way back to Cholula and he explained where to catch the 10 peso bus
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I spent the remainder of the afternoon people watching in the Cholula zocalo and working out a 5 day route to Oaxaca. The first two days should be easy but day three has a brutal climb that I’m not at all excited about. 

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