01/21/24 San Francisco del Rincón - south - CycleBlaze

January 21, 2024

01/21/24 San Francisco del Rincón

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The pilgrims were long gone by the time I rolled down to the plaza in search of coffee, papaya and tamales. There were fireworks around 6 am, I assume they were related to the pilgrims. It was the first sunny day in quite a while, and made for a much more enjoyable ride.  I briefly touched 7,000 feet for the first time and temperatures were pleasant. I crossed into Guanajuato state just above San Francisco del Rincón and found it a much bigger town than I expected. A proper city, in fact, with a Walmart. It didn’t feel safe to park my loaded bike there, so I skipped it and came back later once I’d found a hotel. I wanted to check out their camera selections and discovered there were none to be had.  It was for the best, because I soon after got word from Kent that my abandoned camera which he’d rescued was en route to my sister, who is organizing a supply package. I can wait. 

Looking back at San Miguel from the first hill. I’m riding state highway JAL 304 which has an excellent shoulder and also low traffic
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I came upon a broken down van of local tourists headed to Leon, and they asked if I had any pliers. I loaned them mine and they gave me coffee and pastries while the driver fixed a hose
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Passed through San Julian, sister city to Huntington Park, California
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Judy GaukelWho are the women on the banners?
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6 months ago
David ChavezI didn’t ask
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6 months ago
I stopped for a second breakfast of tacos
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The shoulder went away after San Julian, but the traffic was polite
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The grandiose entrance to tiny San Diego, which I skipped. There’s a group of road cyclists taking a picture of themselves after finishing their ride from somewhere else
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State line
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Welcome to Guanajuato
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San Francisco del Rincón, much bigger than I expected
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Not at all representative of the town, but I’m attracted to flowers in chaos
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My hotel is in the middle of town on a busy street, but it is inexpensive, with good windows and is quiet inside. No elevator, I had to haul everything up to the top floor
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Found an Italian restaurant and had a nice plate of spaghetti
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Free public Wi-Fi in the plaza, works
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City Hall, decked out for its 417th birthday party
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Included live music. Much louder than good, my ears are still ringing
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Partying in the plaza
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Getting cleansed
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Today's ride: 42 miles (68 km)
Total: 1,452 miles (2,337 km)

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