01/20/24 San Miguel el Alto - south - CycleBlaze

January 20, 2024

01/20/24 San Miguel el Alto

Climbing again, but fairly gentle grades
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It was another gloomy day, which makes for cool riding but not very easy on the eyes. I was on the toll road for a while, then cut east on a regular road with minimal shoulder but also minimal traffic which I found much more pleasant. The noise on the toll road can get so tiresome.  When I got to San Miguel el Alto I went to one of the three hotels Google lists and found it fully booked and was told all the others would be as well. That’s when I learned about the pilgrimage to San Juan de los Lagos that happens every year at this time.  Lucky for me there was one Airbnb still available otherwise I’d be in the plaza with a lot of pilgrims and most certainly not sleeping. 

Looking back at Tepatitlan as I left in the morning
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Off the toll road. No shoulder and no cars. I used the bus stop for my lunch break
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An enjoyable stretch
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Welcome to San Miguel el Alto, Architectural Jewel
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This very impressive sculpture was next to a gas station on the outskirts of town
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Dedicated to his parents. Makes one wonder
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I went to the plaza for beer and botanas while I looked for alternate housing on my phone. Modern travel is so easy, you can get away with little to no planning
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David at the next table bought me a tequila to welcome me to town. His buddy Kim, on the right, was so hungover he didn’t participate much in our chit chat
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Pastries in the plaza
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Free public WiFi which actually works. I could walk around town with cell in airplane mode and stay connected. Not terribly fast, but connected. Impressive
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I’d love to see inside these houses. The few times I get peeks there are courtyards and gardens
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I walked up to the big church on the hill above town
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A sculptor shop next to the church. The stone that makes up most of the buildings is called “cantera” which translates to “quarry stone” but which I’m pretty sure is rhyolite
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It carves well
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Looking down at the center of town
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Most of the city core is made of this stone
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Bridge across the river through the middle of the town
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smelly river
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According to the sign outside this houses a parroquial bookstore
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It’s next the the main church, whose clock actually works
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Pilgrims camping in the plaza
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Many without tents. There were several support vehicles, basically pickups with stoves in the back and people cooking up meals
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The plaza was very busy
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There were several groups of old men playing dominoes
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And this guy
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Susan ForsNorth Face 🤣
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7 months ago
Although my phone said no rain, it began thundering quite loudly and soon started pouring
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These tents were quickly moved out of the open and under cover. Nobody seemed particularly bothered by the rain
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Portable toilets for the camping pilgrims
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Bikes getting wet. Sniff
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Still flipping burgers in spite of the rain
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Waiting for the rain to stop so I can walk back to my Airbnb and collect my clothes I’d left “drying” outside
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Today's ride: 33 miles (53 km)
Total: 1,410 miles (2,269 km)

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