Lazy day - Northeast Minnesota 2023 - CycleBlaze

September 12, 2023

Lazy day

Day 06: Rest day in Baxter/Brainerd

IT'S A REST DAY for us today, and what a perfect day for it: cool, cloudy, with light misty mizzle off and on.  For some it's laundry day, for all it's an easy day with very little agenda beyond R and R.

Having received its inaugural dampening yesterday, Serenity got a wipedown and light cleanup this morning.  The only other thing on my to-do list is to cull through the photos and post a selection to an album, inviting others on the tour to add their own or harvest mine as they desire.

The usual suspects were up at 6 for coffee and breakfast.  That would be A D, the Jims, Joe, and yours truly.  Over the next hour others drift in, but it's a casual affair.  Nobody's in any hurry to do much of anything, seemingly.

Joe has been struggling to get the full set of routes loaded onto his Garmin, and enlists my aid.  Although I'm unfamiliar with that model- it's much newer than mine- and I'm an Android user where Joe's phone and tablet run on iOS, working together we get it done.  Success!

Around noon Carol and I walk two doors down to the ramen place, for lunch.  We find J R already there, and join him.  The ramen's good, the company better.

This afternoon will be spent on the photo album, and probably a nap.  We'll join the regular meeting and dinner junket, then wrap up the day.

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