Shimanami Kaido, Onomichi to Imabari in a day - Six Wheels Through Japan Part 2 - CycleBlaze

October 30, 2023

Shimanami Kaido, Onomichi to Imabari in a day

We have enjoyed our stay in Onomichi. We recommend highly the hotel where we stayed. The staff were excellent and they offered excellent amenities and services for a reasonable price. 
Having enjoyed ourselves getting here…meeting people, going to Michis sightseeing and taking our time, we decided that on the return, we would ride it in one day. We could have stayed on Onomichi for an extra night but we have lots to see and many miles to go.

We pushed ourselves to ride hard and made good time. We did well, but oh boy, we were tired. We got to the hotel in the dark and had an early night.  We’ll stay in Imabari for two nights to explore the city, the Castle and ride around.   This time we will stay at the JR Clement by the railway station.  This newish hotel is beautifully set up for travellers with great amenities, a lounge for relaxing, reading etc and they offer from 6-9 pm,free beverages (wine, scotch, sparkling water, etc) . The best part though is that they cater to cyclists with rooms equipped for having your bike in your room (mounted on the wall with hooks) as well as an oversized elevator. In our case, they welcomed us to put our trikes in the lobby. All of this for less than we paid at Imabari Crown Hills, the hotel across the road where we stayed when we arrived here.

On the ferry from Onomichi. We will be riding the Shimanami Kaido back to Imabari today.
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Farewell Onamochi. Travelling forces you to make decisions based on the time you have. If we make it back here, we would like to explore the temples.
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Umberto and Alessia are from Italy, Genoa and Milan. They had travelled to Yokohama for the World Championships of Bike Messengers.
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Their bikes…Umberto has a fixed gear bike to which he has added 2 gears for the trip. We have respect for his strength as a rider.
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So many mandarins for sale along the road. We bought a small sac for 100¥ (90 cents).
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Charmaine RuppoltYum - inexpensive mandarins! :)
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8 months ago
Barry’s copilot is this little guy whom we have called Joey, after a cockatiel we had some years ago. A woman we met at the mandarins stand gave him to Barry for our journey.
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The kind woman who gave Joey to Barry later contacted us and said that the duck is a horn…”you pinch its butt and it honks”
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Usa TadanoHi!
When we met I forgot to tell you that it is a kind of horn.
Pinch a duck's butt and it makes a sound.
Have a nice trip with Joey!
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8 months ago
Joey is ready to roll!
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Thank you Usa for your kind gift of a companion duck for Barry.
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We are approaching the first bridge of our day. By the time we get back to Imabari, we will have taken 1 ferry, crossed 6 bridges and ridden over 7 islands.
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Charmaine RuppoltThose are pretty big bridges!
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8 months ago
Barry BartlettYes, they are very impressive to ride over.
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8 months ago
A view of the island we are leaving…so beautiful.
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Next door, to where we camped when we rode in the opposite direction, is a BookCafe. We stopped for lunch as it was closed when we camped here a few days ago. Such beautiful floors.
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Lunch was very tasty…Barry’s meal was a green curry with rice and garnishes.
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Mary Ellen had chicken with tartar/vinegar sauce. Delicious.
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It is a day of many bridges…it is good to go up, but so much fun coming down.
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These suspension bridges are a marvel.
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A field of mandarins being harvested.
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Liked this art feature, a creature set against the fence.
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We met Li from Burnaby who is riding here for a month. We admired her beautiful bike with custom painted leaves on the frame.
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It feels fitting to be finishing the route with a beautiful sunset.
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Parking at the Convenience Store. It is dark and cold, but we are just a few Km to our hotel.
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We arrived at our hotel, JR Clement in Imabari. JR stands for Japan Railways and of course our hotel is by the train station.
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Susan JamesI have found the JR hotels to be the best ones in Japan with their lobby and public areas.
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8 months ago

Today's ride: 79 km (49 miles)
Total: 237 km (147 miles)

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