Day 120: Flying Home - Four Corners of Canada - CycleBlaze

October 2, 2010

Day 120: Flying Home

I woke up, loaded up the bike and took the route to the airport I scouted out yesterday. I took the pedals off the bike, rotated the handlebars and slide the bike into the plastic bag. I used my handlebar bag and backpack as carry-on luggage. Everything else went into the hockey bag I purchased yesterday.

I checked in and paid $56.50 for the bike (as advertised on the WestJet website). They asked me if I had just bought the bag. I said "Yes". In retrospect, I believe the bag was oversize and they let me get away with it. Thank you, WestJet.

I was checked in, all safe and sound. The adventure was over.

Compare this with the drive train picture on Day 3.
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Today's ride: 5 km (3 miles)
Total: 14,391 km (8,937 miles)

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