Inspired by a Starbucks Chat During a Fake Holiday - Caucasian - CycleBlaze

October 2, 2023

Inspired by a Starbucks Chat During a Fake Holiday

Not long after the last epic trip just wrapped up a month ago, the next one was inspired in a similar fashion:  by a conversation.   A colleague had been traveling around Armenia and Georgia while I was in Laos and Thailand.  We kept in touch during our respective trips and had a lot to talk about after the semester resumed.  Now, with a weeklong Chinese fake holiday, an opportunity came up to share information at Starbucks.  He started dropping names of cities I had never heard of in the Caucasus region and I had a lot of questions.  That led to more research on my part.  

The location of this tour is, well, quite timely.  Details of this particular tour will emerge as the planning begins and takes months to come together, but much of this I want to keep as a surprise.

Along with other things, we'll all hopefully learn more about why the name Caucasian originates with this particular area and what, if anything, this has to do with white males?  

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