Monster mash - The Adventures of Garfield and Tango - CycleBlaze

October 28, 2021

Monster mash

Borrego Springs loop, take 2

It was another beautiful sunrise on the golf course today! By 10 it was already in the 70's and time to get going on our ride. We wanted to be done by noonish since the forecast was for a high of 90 degrees. 

Today I wore my neck cooler bandanna which has beads inside that swell up with water. As the fabric dries, you just keep flipping it around. Sometimes I'll even dunk it in a water bottler to rehydrate it. I've found it really helps keep my neck and head feel cooler when it's hot and dry. 

Today we rode north again from the campground and turned west on Henderson Canyon Rd to see some more incredible iron sculptures. It was mostly desert with lots of vacant land for sale. 

Our road took us south back toward town and more homes now. I was happy to see that everyone was landscaping with desert flora. No green grass out here except in the golf courses! 

We rode up to the visitor center at Anza-Borrego State Park, but they were closed due to a power outage. There was a volunteer outside that was handing out some different brochures of the area so at least I was able to pick up some information. 

Had my foot felt better and it was little cooler, I would have spent some time walking around their desert garden. The plants all had identification signs on them which was a big help. But while I can bike, walking still bothers my foot.

We continued riding down the main street and saw the Anza-Borrego Desert book/gift shop. I wanted to see what kind of things they had for sale, but as we walked up to the door, the employee was leaving for lunch. Bummer! 

There was also a thrift store next door that looked interesting, but they were also closed. We're sure are batting a thousand here! 

Back at camp we found that the power was also out in the entire park. That outage must have affected the entire town. Fortunately our frig also runs on gas, so it had stayed cold. But luckily it wasn't long before the power was turned back on, so no worries there.

It was just another relaxing afternoon. There was a slight breeze and under the shade of our awning, was quite comfortable. I read a book while Don went to check out the salt water pool. 

In the evening, another Airstream moved into the site next to us - some folks from California. Their trailer was also new but a different model. It will be fun to visit with them - at a distance of course, since California has strict mask mandates, vaccination requirements and social distancing. Don mentioned that he had to wear a mask when going to the grocery store the other day. 

Tonight while we looked at the stars, we heard the coyotes yipping nearby and even saw one cruising through the park. It made us feel like we were really out in the boonies!

These incredibly tall palm line the road by our campground.
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Ok, here you go, it's your golden opportunity to buy land in the desert! But finding water for it could be a challenge.
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Another cutie!
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It's hard to see in the picture, but this is a huge dragon that stretches clear across the road! An amazing piece of art!
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We finally find an elusive desert tortoise.
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These sculptures honored the farm workers in the area. We think they are grape harvesters.
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This was a fun piece of RV decoration!
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Today's ride: 17 miles (27 km)
Total: 407 miles (655 km)

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