Day 8 - To Bourke - the first triple - Unfinished Business - CycleBlaze

May 8, 2023

Day 8 - To Bourke - the first triple

Give me a tailwind and I'll give you kilometres. I know about headwinds! I felt a touch of wind as I packed and hoped it might be from the south. But I didn't rush to find out because I needed supplies and wanted to ride Cobar's streets. There's some fine buildings.

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And there's some fine buildings that provide amusement. Get yourself a carcass or some small goods  - kidneys, brains, sausage.

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With that done I was heading for Bourke and did have a light tailwind. Would it strengthen or disappear; become a headwind? I didn't hang around to find out.

I was soon up to speed and pedalling in the 20' stopping only for photos. The country was red Brigalow stuff and undulating slightly; very nice.

A sign indicating horses for the next 23 km caught my eye. I thought of Dick's philosophy and assumed that the horses are charging around looking for an endangered species to trip over.

They have very long horse races out this way; train the best stayers
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As I pedalled harder and harder I got amusement from the names of caravans as strings went past. They don't seem to travel alone. The names fitted the times - Sovereign, Sterling and Royal Flair, all out celebrating the coronation. And then came Supreme- the ham and pineapple of vans. But topping them all came my favourite - Expanda. It's in its second life having once existed in China's bamboo forests. 

I smiled all the way for a quick 50 km when I decided that I really must tighten my chain and down a quick snack.

It's just about staying on!
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Amusement seemed the theme of the day. I laughed when I came upon this stern warning.

Leave the livestock alone or you'll be the key player in Walzing Matilda!
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I had one of my quality breaks before 1PM with 93 km on the clock. Looking good for a big day. Managed to get my phone on a tripod.

Chair, sun, tea, coffee, brie and biscuits, fruit, scroggin - preparing for an attempt on Bourke
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Graham SmithA chair? Sheer luxury.
Back in my day…
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1 year ago
Ian WallisTo Graham SmithNot a chair - a Helinox; requires a prescription
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1 year ago

I was on my way again soon after 2 and while I'd rather have a night in the bush I do enjoy doing 160 km in a day. To us old cyclists that's 100 miles and I call it a triple  - three digits.  I decided to tackle it in two goes -  50 km, a short break and then a final 20. As I went I passed into the "real outback", not that one near Coolah!

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I saw my first cotton on the trip - no wonder the Darling is now a creek not a river. The roadside as usual was tragic.

It leapt out at 0.5 km per hour. I couldn't avoid it.
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And then, as I was pulling in for sustenance less than 20 km from Bourke a white 4wd pulled up - our friends Murray and Carmen. We put up tents together and had dinner and a beer in the Port of Bourke hotel. It doesn't get much better.

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Today's ride: 165 km (102 miles)
Total: 879 km (546 miles)

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