Day 17 - Battling to Longreach - Unfinished Business - CycleBlaze

May 17, 2023

Day 17 - Battling to Longreach

Telstra chat bots stole my morning. I then managed to speak with a Telstra person and resolved the issue. Special thanks to Helen and Richard here at Barcaldine Tourist Park for a free night and for the use of their computer and landline. 

Barcaldine Tourist Park
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It was after midday that I headed for Longreach, 110 km away, in heat and nasty crosswinds. It was a day of chasing the light, stopping only to toss down food and liquids and take photographs. I could have stayed in the interesting little town of Ilfracomb but did the extra 27 km and got to Longreach in time.

The Ilfracomb pub. The XXXX sign kept me moving to Longreach. How do I find a Great Northern out here?
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There was tragedy on the road as usual, some of which I recorded. But, as usual I saw terrific things and others that amused me. On my first quick break at a rest area, a truckie was in an Olympic swearing event as he fought a shredded tyre. With a little more practice he will be stiff competition for Telstra. 

His blown tyre spread wire for 200 m. This stuff eats your bicycle tyres.

Tyre wire: hard to see, I know but nasty for tyres
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One thing I've been meaning to point out is this ingenuity on numbering that I have not seen in other countries.

This property (ranch) "Tara" is 437.66 km along the road. If you're at 400 or 475.32 km along the road then you will find "Tara" in 37.66 km.
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John GrantOdd numbers on the LHS, even on the right
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1 year ago

And here is one for Bill from Ohio. This was the most gorgeous snake in prime condition. I have not seen one in the wild and here, 54 km east of Longreach, I'm on the edge of its range.

The black headed python, Aspidites melanocephalus. It must have just been clipped by a vehicle because there was no obvious damage.
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Bill ShaneyfeltSad to see, but quite a nice specimen! If I'd been there, I would have been tempted to take its skin.
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1 year ago
Ian WallisTo Bill ShaneyfeltI bet you would! And you'd make a pair of black-headed python nicks that you'd sell at a premium to a touring cyclist with a sore arse.
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1 year ago

 Here are a couple of photos of the landscape our python inhabited. Much of my ride today was through Mitchell grasslands, Astrebla spp. Prize for who can guess who named it. Forget the indigenous people who harvested it for thousands of years.

South from the dead python
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North from the dead python
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Emus amused me as I rode into town. I must have seen 50 of them. And let me finish with some praise for QANTAS, in Longreach, where they started in 1922.

Well done QANTAS! You do know how to store a plane. You don't need to just dump it in Tambo!
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Today's ride: 113 km (70 miles)
Total: 1,888 km (1,172 miles)

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John GrantPlease stop for a beer at the Blue Healer Hotel. Last time I was there 7 groups of travellers stopped in to pay $5 each for a sticker while I was having a middy with Dad. Not one of them had a drink or bought anything else. The publican was really up for a yarn and gave us our sticker for no extra charge as we left.
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1 year ago