John Pescatore - Member Profile - CycleBlaze

Member Profile

John Pescatore


Title Ratings
Wisconsin Wanderlust: Supported (Mostly) Tour de Rail Trails 26
Gapped Traversal of (most) the GAP: Tea Time Trilogy 12
Great Allegheny Passage Two Day Trip 26
Escaping Florida to Get Back to the Freezing Cold Mid-Atlantic 33
Seattle to Portland 2019 23
Cycling the Poconos: Glen Summit PA to Bull's Island NJ on the Delaware and Lehigh Trail 41
Great Allegheny Passage Trail Revisited - Weather Strikes Back 3
Biking and Ferrying Across Finland's Aland Islands 54
John and Rick Bike Betwixt and Between Cleveland and Columbus OH, Hopefully Tornado-free 7
A Plethora of Baby Boomers Partial and Piecemeal Pedal of the Great Allegheny Passage Trail 27
Throwback Tour Day: 2004 C&O Canal Anniversary Through Ride 11
Throwback Tour : Ending the 20th Century With an "Old" Man's Bike Tour Around Lake Champlain 11
Throwback Tour 1997: Our First "Old Men's Bicycling Tour" When We Thought 40 Was Old 19


John and Carole Pescatore have been married and biking together since 1989. John is the avid cyclist, and has done a number of self-supported multi-day tours and centuries over the years. Carole has joined him on several adventures. He has worked in information security (now Internet security or the new buzzword - Cybersecurity) forever. Carole has worked in human resources and for the past 20 years as a special education and English as a Second Language resource teacher. 

They live in Maryland, about midway between Baltimore and Washington DC. Years ago, John wrote a book "Family Bicycling in the Washington-Baltimore Area" which you can still find here.