To Pistoia - The Tuscan sun when it's in our faces really shows ...... - CycleBlaze

May 15, 2023

To Pistoia

Today was sunny! And our ride to Pistoia was really something special. 

We were the only guests at our B&B Borgo Massovrana and we really enjoyed our host Eleanora and her lovely home. She was delightful with her smiles and enough English that we could clearly communicate. Her homemade apple crumble was also a very special treat when we arrived!

For breakfast, we made our way from our top floor room down to the kitchen where it was all set up for us. Everything we needed was available including a coffee machine that provided freshly ground coffee for Scott`s espresso. We took our time as the weather was still cloudy, but the forecast was to include sunny periods later in the day. 

Our room on the third floor had great views out both windows.
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Another shot of Lac Suviana and the surrounding countryside.
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The front entrance of Borgo Massovrana. The B&B has three bedrooms and two apartments in this very nicely renovated building that is full of art. It seemed to be the only place to stay in Badi and we needed to book directly with the host. It all went very well.
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We left Badi at 10 o`clock and quickly joined a quiet secondary highway above the lake. The first five kilometres were on a fantastic twisty road before dropping 100 metres down to the Limenta valley floor. The following 14 kilometres was where the climbing started. At first the grade was gentle through a lush forested landscape beside the Limentra di Treppio river.  At around 10 KMs into the ride, near the settlement of L`Acqua, we passed a solo cycle tourer coming the other way. As we passed we said our greetings and we thought we heard him say, ¨be brave¨. Now what could he possibly have meant by that? Shortly after, we think that we began to understand what he saying when the road gradient changed sharply to 14, then 15 and finally a slope of 16 degrees. Pat pushed her bike up the steepest section and conceded that she got off her bike when she could walk faster than she could ride. We remained undeterred as the road, the scenery and the river were simply spectacular. Certainly the best ride of this tour. We were not done with the steep grades though, as they  showed up once again before we reached the top at 20kms into the ride.

Just leaving Badi you can see power generating penstock pipes running down the steep hill. Note the small cluster of buildings on the right of the picture.
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Here is a closer shot. It is amazing to see the small settlements built in remote areas high on the hills.
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Our road today was fun to ride.
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Old bridges.
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Limentra di Treppio river.
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Leaving Emilia-Romagna and entering Toscana.
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Old bridge.
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Very pretty with all the new green growth!
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Open road and almost no cars today.
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Way steeper than it looks!
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We are in the Acquerino-Cantagallo Nature Reserve. This area has a number of well documented trails for hikers.
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Right on the 44th parallel!
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This building and community water tap provided an opportunity for a break. There were signs indicating trails and distances. We wondered if it was a Refugio for hikers but it was all closed up and no information available.
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Exceptional! But it can be fairly steep.
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In the forest.
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Really scenic cycling here.
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Reaching the top we put on our jackets and prepared for the 800 metre drop over the next 15km. We took our time watching the cracks and holes in road, savouring the final section of todays ride. 

Reaching the top and looking down one of the valleys.
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Lyle McLeodOnce again, I think we have the same pic! Great ride to get into Tuscany. Happy to see that you had a great day for it!
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1 year ago
Another look down beyond the Apennines.
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Our destination for today is down there somewhere in that direction.
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A great day and of course a beer to celebrate reaching Pistoia and completing our ride through the Apennines. We are in Tuscany now!
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David MathersCheers 🍻 wish we could join you. Too cold and wet to sit outside here in the south 🤷‍♂️
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1 year ago
Pat FenwickTo David MathersWe are sure cherishing the few bits of sunshine here. Really hoping for big changes in the weather for all of Italy!
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1 year ago
The Battistero is on the right. We thought it was a very nicely updated hotel in a great location.
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Our hotel Battistero Residenza d'Epoca was right in the historic center of Pistoia. Prior to our arrival, we always advise the places where we stay that we will be arriving by bikes so that there are not any surprises. This hotel did not have any places for bikes in the hotel but had access to a car park several blocks away and we could keep our bikes. In the end as the hotel set up uses a self check-in method, we folded our bikes, put them in their bags and stored them in our rooms. We paid the additional parking fee but we just feel better knowing that they are secure with us.

After a short break to clean up we headed out to see Pistoia.   The city of Pistoia is located in northern Tuscany, halfway between Florence and Lucca, which is about 40 km away. From a discover Tuscany web site, ¨If you have a day and want to discover an off-the-beaten track city in Tuscany, head to Pistoia!¨ We would certain agree. The historic area for the most part is around a central piazza. 

Piazza Duomo.
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Palazzo Communale.
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Battistero di San Giovanni in Corte.
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Cattedrale di San Zeno e Campanile.
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Roof top details of the cattedrale in the sunshine!
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Cattedrale clock tower.
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Roof top detail of the clock tower. We are loving the striped tile work here in Pistoia!
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Today's ride: 38 km (24 miles)
Total: 286 km (178 miles)

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Rachael AndersonLooks like a beautiful ride but challenging. Riding on the Po isn’t as scenic but I’m enjoying the flat riding.
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1 year ago