You stole my wheels and that's what really hurts - CycleBlaze

You stole my wheels and that's what really hurts

A ride through the foothills of the French Pyrenees

By Scott Fenwick & Pat Fenwick
1,071 km (665 miles) over 34 days between May 5, 2024 and Jun. 7, 2024
The Plan heart 20
To Toulouse heart 60
In Toulouse heart 131
Another day in Toulouse heart 85
Our final day in Toulouse heart 74
To Castelnaudary heart 80
To Castres heart 131
To Labastide-Rouairoux heart 71
To Olargues heart 132
To Béziers heart 148
In Béziers heart 58
To Narbonne heart 86
To La Franqui heart 73
To Cucugnan heart 112
To Rennes les Bains heart 107
To Léran heart 62
To Foix heart 38
To Saint Girons heart 37
To Aspet heart 61
To Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges heart 51
To Bagnères-de-Luchon heart 67
Col de Peyresourde heart 135
Port de Balés heart 104
To Lourdes heart 25
Col d'Aubisque from Argelès Gazost via Col du Soulor heart 139
To Arette heart 109
To Mauléon-Licharre heart 34
To Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port heart 83
To Espelette heart 65
To Sare via Ainhoa heart 40
To Hendaye heart 26
In Hendaye heart 38