Day One: Home to Albuquerque, NM Drive - 2023 September: Road Trip, BAC Tour and National Parks - CycleBlaze

September 6, 2023

Day One: Home to Albuquerque, NM Drive

Morning started with loading up our bikes, bags of clothes for riding, hiking, swimming, cooler, Yeti coffee mugs, and techie stuff that we can't exist without.

After checking, double checking and triple checking that everything at home was tidied up and set for no one home for a month - we hit the road just after 8:00am central.

Getting out of the Houston then Dallas traffic was welcomed - but, then we were faced with the flat, flat drive across west Texas.  Best described as dry and dusty - dotted with windmills and pump jacks (some still running - some dead).

Arrived into Albuquerque, NM happy to call it a day at Hampton Inn on the north side of town (near The 25 Way).

Road ABC Day Tally:  Stacey, 1;  Ted, 1

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