Looping the Pyrenees - CycleBlaze

Looping the Pyrenees

By Jacquie Gaudet
2,220 km (1,379 miles) over 50 days between May 3, 2024 and Jun. 21, 2024
The Grand Plan heart 10
It's a Go!! heart 10
The Actual Plan! heart 10
Distractions and hiccups heart 45
The panic has subsided (for now) heart 37
Vancouver to Bilbao heart 26
A day in Bilbao heart 96
Another day in Bilbao heart 38
Bilbao to Vitoria-Gasteiz heart 78
Vitoria-Gasteiz to Estella-Lizarra heart 63
Estella-Lizarra to Olite heart 94
Olite to Sos del Rey Católico heart 61
Sos del Rey Católico to Murillo de Gállego heart 108
In Murillo de Gállego heart 44
Murillo de Gállego to Jaca heart 73
Jaca to Torla-Ordesa heart 71
In Torla-Ordesa heart 59
Torla-Ordesa to Aínsa heart 109
Aínsa to El Pont de Suert heart 56
El Pont de Suert to Tremp heart 34
Tremp to Coll de Nargó heart 71
Coll de Nargó to Sant Llorenç de Morunys heart 47
In Sant Llorenç de Morunys heart 24
Sant Llorenç de Morunys to Sant Joan de les Abadesses heart 62
Sant Joan de les Abadesses to Girona heart 54
In Girona heart 57
Girona to El Port de la Selva heart 48
El Port de la Selva to Collioure heart 37
In Collioure heart 35
Collioure to Ille-sur-Têt heart 53
Ille-sur-Têt to Belvianes-et-Cadirac heart 65
Belvianes-et-Cadirac to Tarascon-sur-Ariège heart 68
In Tarascon-sur-Ariège heart 26
Tarascon-sur-Ariège to Biert heart 29
In Biert: Day Ride over Col d’Agnes heart 81
Biert to Aucazein heart 45
Aucazein to Cierp-Gaud heart 72
Cierp-Gaud to Arreau heart 57
Arreau to Adast heart 74
In Adast/Argelès-Gazost heart 18
Day ride to Gavarnie heart 69
Individual Day Rides heart 101
Adast to Arudy heart 38
Arudy to Tardets heart 49
Day ride to Port de Larreau heart 50
Tardets to St-Jean-Pied-de-Port heart 80
St-Jean-Pied-de-Port to St-Jean-de-Luz heart 51
In Saint-Jean-de-Luz heart 20
Day trip to Biarritz (by train) heart 70
Saint-Jean-de-Luz to Zarautz heart 59
Zarautz to Mundaka heart 53
In Mundaka heart 25
Mundaka to Bilbao heart 29
In Bilbao again heart 9
Bilbao to Vancouver heart 9
A few final stats heart 7