Dirt Picker - CycleBlaze

Dirt Picker

An introduction to dirt

By Jordan Buckner
479 miles (771 km) over 16 days between May 29, 2023 and Jun. 13, 2023


packing list heart 2
Test Pack V1 heart 5
On the way heart 9
improvise, adapt, overcome heart 8
first day heart 11
on the (dirt) road heart 10
roads continue to worsten heart 8
roads worsten still heart 7
a frightful night heart 15
Primordial stink heart 16
no rest for the wicked heart 15
thwarted again heart 9
best day yet heart 11
riding a river bed heart 27
Zeros for Heros heart 8
off route to Santa fe heart 3
DNF heart 4