Whatta yat? - Yes B'y - CycleBlaze

Whatta yat?

I hope to visit some of the last of those dying outports to see what’s so special there that people refuse to move even though they lack most of the conveniences the rest of us have come to see as necessities. There is no hard and fast plan, though, basically I’m just going out there to take what is given and live each day as it comes.

The general plan is to cycle from my home in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, take the ferry to Argentia (near Placentia) in eastern Newfoundland,  then make my way along the south coast, by road, ferry (to France!), road, ferry, ferry, road to Hermitage, ferry, ferry, ferry, road from Burgeo to Stephenville, to Port aux Basques, then ferry and road back home again. Whew! I'd pass through a number of outports that are accessible by ferry only. I studied all the ferry schedules carefully; they're complicated, many ferries leaving a different time every day. It all seemed feasible, though, but with one possible sticking point - the ferry from Hermitage to Francois runs only once a week, on a Thursday at 2:30. I planned two weeks to get from Argentia to Hermitage, to make that important connection on August 17. 

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