A day in Figueres - From Munich to Spain to France - CycleBlaze

May 25, 2024

A day in Figueres

And more laundry adventures

Do you remember a few weeks ago when I said we had stopped reporting on laundry day because Dave has figured it out and gee, there is nothing new to say? Hah! Hold that thought. To see Dave's adventures in laundry open the next day's posting "Dave's Laundry Drama." Get a cup of coffee and settle in. It's a long post.

The early part of our day was smooth and enjoyable. After a pleasant breakfast buffet at the Pirineous Hotel we met our friends and walked over to the Dali Museum. This is a world-renowned sight and it felt like it while we waited for the doors to open. I had bought the tickets for this about two months ago and they were already close to selling out. There was a big crowd at the door waiting. It’s a great venue and of course Dali was an interesting guy who did a lot of creative work in a number of different mediums. The site of the Museum was the former Municipal Theater of Figueres which was destroyed during the Spanish Civil War. Dali vowed to build a museum there to show his work and started on it in the 1960’s and it was inaugurated in 1974. I’ll let a few pics tell the story. 

A festival was going on in the center of town.
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The museum was a wonderful structure that really showed off the varied works of the master.
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For this installation piece, you walk up a flight of stairs and look through this lens down to floor below where a surrealistic portrait of Mae West appears.
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After we had a relaxing lunch on a patio with our friends and then they scooted out to do more sight seeing while Dave took off to do laundry. Jill was just settling down for an afternoon nap……a couple of hours on her own, a real treat.

That evening we enjoyed a lovely dinner at a local cafe with our friends who surprised Jill with a pre-birthday dessert. After what turned out to be a trying day (See Dave's subsequent post), we slept well and were looking forward to getting back on our way even with the specter of another train trip on the horizon.

Dinner at Bocam Restaurant which had an eclectic menu of French and Asian inspired dishes.
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Jill's birthday dessert courtesy of Diana.
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On our way back to the hotel.
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Today's ride: 4 km (2 miles)
Total: 905 km (562 miles)

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