Introduction: What, Where, Why, etc... - Attic Explorations - CycleBlaze

Introduction: What, Where, Why, etc...

I think the relevant phrase is: 'Long time reader, first time poster...'.  Which is to say: I've been an avid reader of this site pretty much since it came into being, and -- particularly over the past few years when travel has been so difficult -- both comfort and torment myself by vicariously enjoying the adventures described on here.  So now, I thought, it's probably time to give something back.

I'm fortunate enough to have been able to spend a couple of months this spring based in Athens -- for work, but I still had the weekends.  And I also brought a battered old bike along with me.  So I thought I'd write up on here some brief accounts of my cycle trips around Attica, not least because, in my view, Greece is one of the best and most underrated places to ride a bike.  I've greatly enjoyed (and been inspired by) the Andersons' various accounts of their Greek cycling trips; this journal can't compete with those, but I hope it might be helpful to some people anyway.

This isn't a 'proper' cycle tour: it's an account of a handful of day trips (and one weekend trip).  But it's still about exploring by bike...

(A logistical note: I'm now back in the UK, so this isn't going to be a real-time journal either.  The appearance of entries will probably correlate (absolutely, not inversely...) with how much Proper Work I should be getting on with.)

Fresh off the 'plane at Athens airport. (Pleasures and perils of cycle-non-touring: more luggage to wrangle!)
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Scott AndersonI’m so looking forward to this, Polly. I was hoping we’d get someone else’s perspective on Greece sometime.
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2 years ago
Polly LowThanks, Scott! (It was re-reading your account of your ride through Northern Greece -- and using it to dream of a future ride up there -- which made me think I should write up some of my more mundane Greek rides, in fact... )
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2 years ago
Rachael AndersonI just started reading this journal, what a great opportunity! By the way, you’ve given us a lot of advice on UK and it’s greatly appreciated. What part of UK do you live in out out of curiosity and what are your favorite areas?
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2 years ago
Polly LowHello! (And thanks for reading...)

I now live in Durham, which is in the north-east of England (just south of Newcastle upon Tyne); but I'm originally from Buxton, which is on the edge of the Peak District National Park (the UK's first, and -- in my entirely unbiased opinion -- best, sandwiched between Manchester and Sheffield). Both my current and my former homes are great cycling country: the Peak District is (I think!) just beautiful, though the hills can be punishing. Northumberland is also amazing for cycling -- either by the coast or up in the (bleak) hills. I am, quite unfairly, biased against southern England, though I will concede it has nice bits -- your trips around Dover/Canterbury made me think I should probably visit one day!
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2 years ago