Day 110: Rest day - A happy ride around Australia (second attempt) - CycleBlaze

May 31, 2021

Day 110: Rest day

It was a little noisy last night because the roadhouse generator was going all night. I put in ear plugs and slept well.

I had a hearty breakfast.
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They have homemade cakes etc for sale. I bought 6 chocolate slices and 6 cookies.

These will help me get through the next few days. I would have preferred to buy apples and bananas. 

The last time I saw a piece of fresh fruit was 403kms east of here at Normanton. I've been told there will be groceries available at Borroloola, 316kms north-west of here.

I feel sorry for the local indigenous population that may not have the resources to travel the big distances to get fresh produce.

By the time I finished breakfast all of the campers had departed except for three.
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Last night there would have been 60 people staying here, either camping or staying in cabins. Today it was empty and only 5 more caravans came in to stay the night.

A wall for everyone to put their name.
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My mark.
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I spoke to the staff to confirm what rivers on the way to Borroloola will have water in them.

Most likely I will camp by these rivers. It's difficult for me to be precise as I won't know how far I can ride each day until I see the condition of the dirt road.

I've heard various reports from people. Everyone has their own assessment of the road condition. 

Likely camp spots.
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Salad sandwich with real rum chocolate truffles for lunch.
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The roadhouse has no real set menu. They have supplied everything I've requested.

I finished reading my budgie book today.

I bought this book from the roadhouse. I was happy to find it as it's difficult to find books on life in the local area.
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I also put the first sticker on my bike.
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When I ordered my bike I had the option of naming it but I couldn't decide on a name for the bike.

I chose to have this written on it.
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I got this slogan from an old charity fun run I did for motor neuron disease. 

Sometimes I do give up, like when I didn't do the Cape. Mostly I just need a little more encouragement or reminder to keep on pedalling.

This small road train was doing laps all day. Sometimes they have 4 trailers. I assume he's carting gravel to help with the grading of the road to Borroloola.
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Kerrie McCarthyKeep pushing on Vince, you are proving you can do anything. So so proud of you 👏😘
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3 years ago
Vince McCarthyThanks heaps Kerrie.
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3 years ago
These small helicopters have great ability to turn and change direction quickly.
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This helicopter had a 44 gallon drum of fuel slung beneath it.
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This big bull was on the edge of the camp.
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I've had a relaxing rest day and am keen to tackle the Savannah Way again.

I will update this blog in 4 or 5 days time when I reach Borroloola. 

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Graham SmithVince it’s been great catching up with your ride now I’ve finished the Perth ride and have returned to Canberra today. Your journal is superb and your ride is fascinating, especially this recent section. All the best for the longer distance sections ahead. As long as you have plenty of shelter and water you should be ok. Keep on keeping on.
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3 years ago
Vince McCarthyThank you for your kind words Graham.
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3 years ago