Day 073 - Aurora to Orr - Two Far 2023 - Oranges to Apples - CycleBlaze

June 27, 2023

Day 073 - Aurora to Orr

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It was a good ride today and, for the majority of the day, the weather was the reason.  It was warmer today and the wind had calmed down enough not to be a factor. Throw in light traffic and mostly decent roads and what's not to like??

The scenery was again unexceptional, but it seemed like the birds were out in force - I don't know if it was the warmer weather that brought them out, or the fact that I could hear them more clearly because the wind noise of the past few days had died down. Whatever the case, it was pleasant to listen to them.

Yard Art
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I passed two wood lots today.
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In both cases, the piles of wood were entire trees, and they were all about the same length. I don't know if they will be cut into logs before being hauled away or not.
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The soil shows why there are no farms up here - only forests and marshes
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Jeanna met me at the Duluth and Iron Range Railroad Company Passenger Station in Tower.  As is relatively common for old train stations, it is now a small museum and made for a nice break.

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Inside the station there were several displays of local Indian artifacts.

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This marker is located in the community of Peyla (population 10).
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Fun Fact:  According to Wikipedia, Peyla had a post office from 1907 until 1924 and the community was named after an early postmaster.

Another Fun Fact: MN-1 (shown below) is the longest state highway in Minnesota with a total length of 346 miles and it was not completely paved until 1996.  

The entire 14-mile segment between Peyla and Angora looked like this - nothing but trees and asphalt cracks. If it weren't for all the cracks, it would have been really enjoyable. Instead, it was an incessant cacophony of thump-thump, thump-thump. However, the total lack of traffic was a nice benefit.
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Jeanna & I met again in Cook for a late lunch.  While there, we could see the sky darkening, and upon checking the weather forecast, we saw that there were storms in the area.  At that point I had 17 miles to go, so we didn't dally over lunch, and I picked up the pace once back on the bike.

Once again, I lucked out.  While Jeanna drove through a shower, and said it was raining at the motel, I only saw the evidence of rain and reached the motel without getting a drop of rain on me.  Again, it's all in the timing.

Our motel in Orr is one of the nicer mom-and-pop motels we've ever stayed in.  We've been here before, so we knew what to expect and we got my favorite room.  I've got a nice easy chair and a large picture window that looks over a very active rail line.  In fact, this entry has been interrupted 3 times while I stopped to watch a train go by. :-)

Tomorrow we're scheduled to go to International Falls and then take a day off.  Right now, though, the forecast doesn't look good, so we may shift our day off and spend a second day here in Orr.  

If that happens, I'll be forced to spend the day watching trains go by - Life is so tough :-)

Today's ride: 66 miles (106 km)
Total: 3,474 miles (5,591 km)

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