To San Gimignano - The Tuscan sun when it's in our faces really shows ...... - CycleBlaze

May 18, 2023

To San Gimignano

Today we woke up to blue skies and sunny conditions. By 10 am it was already four degrees warmer than the previous afternoon, but 19 degrees is comfortable, not hot.

The tourists that we saw around town appeared to be there because of Gambassi`s location on the Francigena pilgrimage route. There is a key point on the route at the Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta in Chianni, just one kilometre outside of town. As we had a very short ride planned today, we thought we would ride down  and have a look at this  important church. It was all downhill to Chianni so we left our panniers at our hotel and would return later to load up the bikes. No point in riding uphill loaded if it was not absolutely necessary! Unfortunately, when we arrived at the church we found that it was not open until much later in the day.

We have been riding many sections of the Francigena route. Some of the stage lengths may be 20 Kms with significant hills, so not easy days for the hikers. These bags belong to people on organized walking tours and their baggage is shuttled to the next hotel as part of the package. Then will carry just a day pack during their walk but It seems overall that they are not travelling very light!
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Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta in Chianni is a Romanesque style church built in the 1200`s.
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From another angle. It is an appealing look with the big roman blocks. It was disappointing that we could not see the inside.
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This is the main piazza in Gambassi Terme. I was happy to get this shot this morning without any cars parked in the way. There is also a small church at the far end of the square.
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Inside the small Church of the Crucifix, built in 1576.
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Retracing our route back up the hill to our hotel, we retrieved our bags. With everything loaded we were gone by 11 o`clock under much cloudier conditions. After two relatively short miscues we found our road to San Gimignan0. The road started off paved but soon went to gravel and then got progressively worse. The old roman road may be suitable for hikers and mountain bikes but for our loaded touring bikes with small wheels, it was at times just plain tough slogging.

Looking back at Gambassi as we were leaving town. We enjoyed our stay in this small quiet town.
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The skies have clouded over again and we started the ride on a gravel road through beautiful country and vineyards.
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A mural at winery that makes chianti wines. Although there were some customers sampling the wines, we decided it was a bit early into our ride. Good call given what was in store.
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This vineyard and home will be opening as a new agritourismo this summer.
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The downhill track gets a bit rougher but still manageable with great care.
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On the Francigena route. We went left here as our maps suggested paths that were for cycling and we thought they would be best.
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Slow trekking over this uneven rock base road. This surface was worse than street cobbles with the small diameter wheels.
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Sometimes walking was the only solution.
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Rachael AndersonI really dislike these kind of roads and prefer walking them, also!
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1 year ago
Down to single track now.
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We met up at a cross roads with these cyclists to compare notes. We were all quite surprised to find ourselves in these conditions. The lady beside Pat is Isabelle, with whom we had crossed paths previously. She is on a solo tour on her way to Rome.
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We can not be sure when this solid rock road was built but the route is suggested to date back to the roman times. It is very well made with a curb line and a gutter. Unfortunately, it is also very tricky to ride.
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After five kilometres, the rough road ended at a gate with a chain across it. Signs indicated that it is a bike route, just not a great one for our bikes.
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Rachael AndersonWhat a relief to get off that road!
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1 year ago
Pavement at last!
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A road built for cyclists!
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After leaving the track road we had less than ten kilometres to reach our destination of San Gimignano.  The road was quiet with very sharp angled inclines often running about 12 degrees up to a ridge. We stopped at a church for a lunch break before the final push up to the historic town. 

They sky appeared threatening as we arrived and there was a short shower just as we reached and then passed through the gated walls. San Gimignano is a tourist hotspot with many shopping opportunities.  Our timing worked out well as we were early for our check-in.  So, we wandered through the town looking into the  stores as well as stopping to share a pizza and beer.

Looking over the countryside to the settlement at the top of the hill.
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A closer look at San Gimignano, our destination today.
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Entering one of the main gates in San Gimignano.
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Inside the walls there was a single main street. We are staying just outside the walls at Il Nido Di Anna.
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The streets of San Gimignano are busy today even with the showery weather, but still manageable. The town is a good day trip for many tourists.
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Scott's idea of shopping.
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Pat`s idea of shopping.
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Piazza Sant`Agostino
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Ice cream in the middle of the piazza.
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In San Gimignano.
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A view from the top of the town. This is a popular place to take a picture of the surrounding area. We are still hoping for sun but at least it is dry.
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The bikes are right across the road from our table where we are enjoying our afternoon snack.
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We are staying at Il Nido di Anna. Scott asked our host if she was Anna. No, Anna was her mother and the house was owned by her grandfather. After checking into our hotel, we  went out to further explore San Gimignano. We finished our day at Bazar Dei Sapori, a small shop specializing in local food and wine. Here we  enjoyed a lovely glass of local Chianti Classico and a selection of assorted prepared wild boar meat, cheeses and bread. It was a great way to finish off a fun day on the road.

The Cathedral of San Gimignano, dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta.
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A local gathering spot for the men in town.
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The small store in which we enjoyed some wine, meats, and cheeses.
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ann and steve maher-wearyDon’t you wish we had places like this in Canada.
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1 year ago
Some very expensive wines were available on the shelves. Too risky for us to try to carry home!
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This cat is high up on an arched wall and is very interested in what is going on in the bush. The high wire act was entertaining for the cat lovers in the crowd below!
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Today's ride: 20 km (12 miles)
Total: 339 km (211 miles)

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ROSY ColistroLoving following along on your trip: Tuscany has so much to offer
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1 year ago