Day 45 Clam Lake WI to Butternut WI - 2 Biking Hobos - CycleBlaze

August 1, 2023

Day 45 Clam Lake WI to Butternut WI

it was 54°when we got up and for some reason we were up and out early. We left the warm showers @ 6:35 am. We only had on our biking jackets but we did wear gloves. By the time we got out of the driveway which was a third of a mile long, I had to add my other coat. We got back on the main road and then stopped at the gas station as there weren’t any restaurants to get something g for breakfast. Once we started pedaling again it was a pleasure. The road was great and so was the shoulder. We were following the National Forest Scenic Byway Great Divide route. The ride was uneventful and it was a beautiful day for a ride. At one point the GPS told us to take a left and I thought, we have to get off this nice road for that road? Well we took the left and we had not gone far when there was a short very steep hill. Got into granny and still had to give it all I had to get to the top only to find out it took us right back on the road we were on. WTH???. We eventually had to make a right turn onto route 13 and it was a crappy road. We knew we were going to be real early for our next warm showers so we just relaxed and enjoyed the ride. There wasn’t anything to see until we got into Glidden and then the excitement there was watching the inspection of gas tanks. The guy told Hubs that one tank will hold over 14,000 gallons of gas. We asked about a restaurant but there wasn’t anything there so off we went. We did arrive in Butternut around 11:15 which is way to early to show up so we stopped at an ice cream shop and got ice cream. We sat outside for about 45 minutes or so and then decided we would find the restaurant in town for lunch. When we sat down Hubs started talking to the guy at the next table. He had the cheeseburger so Hubs got one and I got the hamburger. They were good. Some how Hubs started telling them about his trademark photos and then told him about the Eagle. We all laughed and then Char showed Hubs the turkey. It was hysterical. Derrick and Char live in Milwaukee and were renting a place on the lake. Derrick did ask if we ever had a problem with a warm showers and we said once on our last trip. So he got up and wrote his name and phone number on a piece of paper and told us if we had a problem to call him and we could stay with them in their 2 bedroom cabin. How awesome is that. People we just met. Wonderful people at that! We left and made our way to Dan and Jeanne’s house. They live right on the lake and what a view. We have the downstairs in their house and it is great. Dan makes his own beer and Hubs was in heaven as he had an awesome home made IPA. Dan also makes wine and it was delicious. They made a fantastic dinner with tons of fresh vegetables from their garden. I was in heaven. Haven’t had fresh veggies in I don’t know how long.  Thank you Dan & Jeanne for hosting us, listening to Gary talk to much after two beers, great dinner and conversations. It was wonderful. 

The place we stopped to get breakfast
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Our route for today
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Looked like a neat picture
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The excitement in Glidden. Looking in a gas tank
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Edward GriecoVery interesting 🤔
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10 months ago
Water tower
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Tons of logs but for what we do not know
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Derrick & Char we met in the restaurant
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Our view from our warm showers
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Delicious home made wine
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Homemade IPA
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Dan’s keg holder
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Mike AylingEvery home should have one!
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10 months ago
Lois AlexanderYes, my husband would love it., but then he would need a Brewmaster’. 😊
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10 months ago
Danes brew room
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Another shot of brew room
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DOUGLAS HEINSYou know I have all the equipment necessary to make your IPA. It’s yours if you want it! Talk when you get home.
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10 months ago
Dan & Jeanne our warm showers host I. butternut WI. Really great people
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Our 15 minutes of celebrity fame for the Cable Chamber of Commerce FB page
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Hubs got a text from Kristen and Jeff (the warm showers  people we stayed with last night) sending our celebrity picture for the Chamber of Commerce. 🙂 Tomorrow we head to Manitowish Waters WI. 

Today's ride: 34 miles (55 km)
Total: 1,845 miles (2,969 km)

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