Day 4 Centennial Creek Campground to Winthrop WA - 2 Biking Hobos - CycleBlaze

June 21, 2023

Day 4 Centennial Creek Campground to Winthrop WA

I didn’t really sleep last nite as I couldn’t get my core warm. We had ridden in the cold and then when you do inclines you get hot so you sweat a bit and seeing the campground didn’t have any showers I had to sleep the way I was. We bundled up good and I even put my hood on from my

Here are our bikes ready for the down hill. Sorry about these couple of photos being at the beginning. I hit insert to early on the other photos.
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This is the hairpin turn we had to do. We talked to someone yesterday and they were telling us about it.
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Here’s Hubs wanting to play in the snow.
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Here’s Hubs throwing a snowball. Amazing I got the snowball in the air.
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The snow stick shows the feet of snow they get but they do get 20 feet at times
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This is Dr Ian and I sure hope he gets his wish to bike across the country again. Good Luck Doc.
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jacket and that seemed to help. When we got up this morning it was cold. My stomach wasn’t doing well so I was back and forth in the bathroom. We decided to eat a protein bar for breakfast and head out once we were packed up. Today was the day that we had to do 74 miles with nothing around. We headed out and once we got on the road it went straight up. I didn’t even make a mile and I had to start pushing. I really had no idea how I was going to do this today. Gary was able to bike but then he would stop and wait for me. We had left around 6:30 in the morning so,I figured people heading to work would be going by. I thought once I start seeing trucks I am going to hitch hike. No shame here. A few trucks pulling heavy equipment went by but I still stuck my thumb out. Then I noticed a truck pulling an unloaded trailer coming but he went right by. It would have been perfect. Next another pickup comes by and he stops. I could not thank him enough. He loaded us up and said he could take us all the way where we needed to go but we still wanted some biking today so we told him to drop us off at the top of the pass. He was an awful nice guy. Chatted the whole time and answered our questions. His name is Josh and he is our first Biking Angel. Once he let us out we realized how cold it was. Time to layer, layer, layer. Gloves, hat, shirts, coats etc. we still had 31 miles to go and the down hill was awesome. Again I let myself go to 27 mph and then held back. Hubs said we could of easily done 50 mph down but no thank you. Once we were at the bottom it was a nice relaxing ride. We stopped in Mazama WA to take a break and found a neat general store and deli. We got a roast beef sandwich that was so big we shared it and then got a couple of goodies for the road. We sat and ate and when we decided to head out we met some other people out for a ride who had stopped. Turns out they did the whole perimeter of the US at different times. Along walks another couple who also did a big bike ride. Love meeting the people. Off we went and one other thing to note is, people say once you get over the pass, the weather changes. You see the Sun and it is warmer. Sure enough they were right. As we rolled along we saw a biker coming from the opposite direction. We could tell he wanted to talk so we slowed down. He was vacationing here and was just out for an exercise ride. He did do a cross country ride when he was in his twenties. He is 54 now and is a pulmonary doctor. His name is Ian. His wife is an OB/GYN doctor. They had there two boys in there forties so he still has younger ones at home. He loves biking and would really like to do another cross country trip sometime. Real nice guy. We finally made it to Winthrop and came into this real western looking town. Wish our room was closer to it as I would have liked to walk around but I really needed a shower. Pat and Benny were stealth camping some where but we were able to get in touch with him and we all had dinner and drinks together. Hubs was able to get a delicious IPA so he had two. All about the IPA’s for him. So if any of you see Lucille IPA’s you can get it for him.🍺

We are heading to Okanogan WA tomorrow with a 4000 ft pass to go over. I may need another Biking Angel. 🤞🤞🤞

Bruce & Nancy, our neighbors didn’t want us to forget their faces so they are on the trip with us. They started complaining that the last 4 days were rough and they needed a rest, so while we went out we let them take a nap.
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Here is Josh our First Biking Angel. I would probably be still on the road if it were not for him. Thank you million times over Josh.
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Here is Hubs and Josh figuring how to get the bikes in the back of the truck.
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This is Hubs and Josh getting the bikes in the back of the truck.
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This is Hubs starting to layer up for the cold awesome ride down the mountain
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This is the both of us all bundled up and ready to roll down the mountain
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Today's ride: 33 miles (53 km)
Total: 3,353 miles (5,396 km)

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Teresa StoneBeautiful scenery!
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11 months ago
muriel murphyWow so glad you got to see Benny and Pat. Soon you will be complaining about the heat once you cross the mountains! Miss you guys, but don't worry Gary, Gwen fixed the dishwasher.
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11 months ago