Day 11 Priest River I’d to Sandpoint ID - 2 Biking Hobos - CycleBlaze

June 28, 2023

Day 11 Priest River I’d to Sandpoint ID

It was another beautiful cool morning when we got up. We knew we had a shorter ride today so last night we decided, oh good we can sleep in. Welllll, 5:00AM Hubs’ phone starts quacking. I couldn’t believe it, the one day we can stay in bed. We did end up relaxing for awhile before we got up and ready. We stopped at AJ’s cafe for breakfast and our waitress was telling us that Idaho is known for its crystals and not just potatoes. Her and her boyfriend go and find them in caves and hillsides. I guess her family has been collecting them for years. After breakfast we were on our way riding route 2 East. The map said we would have moderate hills and we did which weren’t bad. What was bad was, the logging trucks, dump trucks, semi trucks, paving trucks, regular trucks and cars that went flying by. Gary said if we had to ride like this he would call it quits and fly home. Otherwise it would have been a really nice ride. The scenery was nice. We stopped and took pictures and had to get a video for Eddie Grieco, though it came out sideways. I am going to try and put it in the blog but will have to see if it will come out. We got into Sandpoint early as our warm showers host said anytime was good and we might want to walk around the town. I needed to find some biking gloves and after stopping at a couple of bike shops I found them at Outfitters Experince. Let’s hope I don’t lose them. During our ride today we came across a sign that said game crossing. Does that mean Monopoly, Chutes and Ladders, Mexican Train etc go from one side of the road to the other. 😂🤣 A few miles before we got into town we found a bike trail. Sure hope we start finding more of them even if they parallel the road. When we got to Steve and Judy’s we took our showers and headed into town. Hubs had to find his IPA  so we ended up at Mickduff’s brewing company. We decided to have lunch also and it was delicious. I got a chicken curry bowl and Hubs got a salad. After we walked around the town which is a great place and then back to Steve and Judy’s. Very gracious hosts. We had a wonderful dinner and then they took us up to the top of Schweitzer Mtn to see the view and then all through the town and to the beach. Now it’s time to relax and think about our ride tomorrow to Heron MT. 

Hub’s yummy hot chocolate at breakfast
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It amazes us how they just blast through the rock
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We never saw so many logs in one spot. They were hosing them down
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More logs
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This guy is Dennis and he was behind a Tab that we really wanted to speak to the owners but becuz Dennis was behind them we couldn’t get to chat. Dennis wanted to chat so we told him all about our trip. He was very intrigued
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This is a wall being built with rocks between chicken wire.
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A view of the water
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Here is the game crossing sign. Again do Monopoly, Chutes & Ladders, Mexican Train etc cross the road
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We found a biking path and it was so nice to get off that busy route 2
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A funky truck we needed to photograph
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This house was beautifully landscaped out on the edge of the road with lots of lavender
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Another view of the funky truck
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This is the brew pub we had lunch at
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Edward GriecoI hope the had Yuengling 😂
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11 months ago
This was my lunch and it was delicious. Chicken Curry Bowl
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This was Hub’s salad.
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Have to have a happy selfie
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This was the view from top of the mountain
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This is Steve and Judy. Again, very gracious warm showers hosts
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Today's ride: 25 miles (40 km)
Total: 3,105 miles (4,997 km)

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Bonnie AlexanderLol sounds like you didn’t decide to turn on the Do Not Disturb on your phones yet. Highly recommend it for when you are sleeping and you will get no more early quacks.

Hope today is 🪵, 🛻 and traffic free day!
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11 months ago