Tossa de Mar - Poking Around Europe 8.0 - CycleBlaze

September 20, 2023

Tossa de Mar

Rained out!

One of the reasons having a loose plan works for us is the ever present possibility of weather we would rather not ride in. We checked the forecast last night and it was abysmal. Two weather warnings.  One was moderate thunderstorms.  The other was heavy rainfall. Still, I went to sleep feeling hopeful. 

Our hopes were still high this morning. It was lightly sprinkling and Keith convinced me to go for a walk before breakfast so we could ponder the day.  For the record, I was very reluctant. Couldn’t the day be pondered over coffee and breakfast?   I took my Goretex, but Keith just took a light shell. We passed over the bridge above the dry riverbed. 

Here is what it looked like.
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I became increasingly reluctant as the rain became more than a sprinkle. Keith wanted to keep going and suggested I go back to the hotel and wait for him but I decided to continue so I have only myself to blame for what came next. I should have taken him up on his offer. It started to rain in the most intense fashion imaginable and it was not letting up. It made staying another night an easy decision so we checked out a nearby hotel. The rain was so bad we asked them to call a cab, but that was going to take 10 minutes to arrive. We borrowed an umbrella, a beach umbrella no less, because that was all they had, and started walking. It was crazy. I am laughing as I write this. We should have waited for the cab. The streets were ankle deep water. Seriously. By the time we got back to our hotel to book another night we were both soaked. At least I had my rain jacket. I was reasonably dry from the waist up. Keith not so much, despite the beach umbrella. 

That dry river bed, picture taken from the same spot. This happened in less than a half hour.
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Scott AndersonUnbelievable!
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8 months ago
Jane KyleWow! That's quite the deluge! We had rain yesterday, but nothing to write home win!🤣
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8 months ago
Here is how it filled so quickly.
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We are west coast people, so if we say it was raining hard, it was raining HARD.
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Scott AndersonThanks for the reminder! Here’s our own similar experience, which I’m glad we captured on video:
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8 months ago
The streets looked like this and worse. There wasn’t much stopping for pictures. My shoes may take days to dry out. If only I had worn my flip flops. The water had flooded the sidewalk in places but the worst was when we had to cross the street. Where are your rubber boots when you need them?
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It is supposed to let up this afternoon, although it is still raining now. We are warm, comfortable and hoping for a hike this afternoon. I also have to say, being stuck in Tossa is pretty wonderful. The really good news?   The CN himself declared breakfast a 12 jammer on a 10 point scale!   That is a first. I had multiple cappuccinos, believe me. Breakfast reminded us of a cruise ship type buffet. 

The rain did let up, and as soon as we had an opportunity we went out to explore. We did two hikes today, both spectacular. The first was called Cala Pola-Cala Bona. We headed up from one end of town and oh my. 

At the start. Captivating views already.
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We loved this lone tree. And is that yoga in the foreground?
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Just beautiful.
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We think this mornings torrential rains contributed to this.
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Another way to see this coast.
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It was absolutely non stop views.
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We loved this hike. Boat tour down below.
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I have many more photos I could add, but they are loading slowly and you get the idea. We circled back to town and stopped for waterfront refreshment and people watching before starting our second, equally spectacular hike. 

All the views are spectacular here. Our rest and refresh spot. We are looking back at the first hike.
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Second hike underway. Looking back at the castle.
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And the town. First hike was the other side.
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Dynamite views everywhere, all at once.
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It was amazing.
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An ancient tower erected to watch for pirates. I had just told serious guy to smile for the photo his partner was taking, and look, it worked.
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Tossa from yet another mirador.
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Keith watching for pirates.
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Just so amazing.
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Our hike from Strava.
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Back to our lovely room we went in the late afternoon for a little organizing and relaxation. Not much relaxation actually happened, it was more about a great call with our youngest son and catch up with email and all the other blogs we are following. We had a 7 PM dinner reservation (early by Spanish standards) and we we managed to be late!  Not a problem because no one else here eats at what the Spanish consider such a ridiculously early hour. It was a fun evening, enhanced by the charming Italian diva seated next to us. She was 18 months old. I was smitten. She had equally charming parents so it was a lot of fun. 

More adventures tomorrow. We are so happy to be able to do this. I am already looking forward to that breakfast hehe. Oh, and FYI my shoes and skirt are still wet. Hopefully they will be dry by morning. We will laugh about this mornings deluge for years. It was memorable. 

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Scott AndersonI can’t believe all that water, but isn’t Tossa a beautiful place though. One of our favorites too.
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8 months ago
Carol DunlopWhat a wonderful day! You two know how to make the best of any day! Stunning photos.
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8 months ago
Rachael AndersonI’m sorry to hear about the rain but you sure made the most of the day! I really love Tossa De Mar!
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8 months ago