Martina Franca - Taranto - Wandering in Puglia - CycleBlaze

May 22, 2022

Martina Franca - Taranto

We had a pleasant stay at Dimore Miravalle. The shared patio area was a nice place for breakfast.  From here you could see Locorotondo clearly, as well as Alberobello and Cisternino. 

What cameras can’t capture but the eye can. Locorotondo is to the right of the faux castle.
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Ready to leave earlier than we needed to, we headed to a nearby cafe for a pastry and coffee.on one of the shelves was an interesting mug.

If only I had room in one of my bags for that mug.
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Public art as we leave our accommodation.
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I’d planned to make a stop in Crispiano, again to bleed off some time and to take advantage of another pasticceria. This one was beautiful. The photo doesn’t do it justice. I guess the owner liked my face. Our espressi and pastries were on the house.  Grazie mille! Also got a business card. They do some incredible cakes as well, but they were too big to fit on a bike. 

Pasticceria Le Tentazione. Nothing at home compares.
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We both were given a bag of these cookies.
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A couple of miles outside of Taranto my brother is yelling at me to pull over. Today’s equipment failure? One of the rail hooks on my right side Ortlieb pannier had come off and it slid to the back of the rack. Score another one for rough roads. After several minutes (or what felt like) of futilely trying to get the hook back on the bag’s rail, I realized the cutout center section is where you slide the hooks behind the rail. Duh. Well, I’ll blame the heat and fatigue for my initially futile attempts at repair. 

Inside the door to our apartment for the next couple of nights. Do I need to genuflect and cross myself before exiting?
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Steve Miller/GrampiesMaybe pray for no more bike malfunctions?
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2 years ago
Protected bike lanes. That’s how you do it, not those silly plastic bollards.
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Castello Aragonese.
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I swear it’s a mirage. I’ve never seen actual street signs on a pole in Italy.
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The mass of this government building is incredibly imposing.
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I didn’t know you could buy a dog at Lidl.
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Greek columns near our apartment.
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There is a restaurant immediately on the other side of the narrow alley and my room is one floor above it all. No ear plugs will help me tonight. 

Accommodation - Casa Sant'Agostino

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